LRH // Young Dad (2)

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My headache was getting worse. This Statistics homework must've been made for experts, because I've been trying to solve this for a solid ten minutes now and I don't know what to do anymore. I set down my pen and massaged my temples, my back aching a bit, almost yearning for a break, wanting to lie down on the bed next to me. But then, I also know that once I leave this homework I won't get to finish this anymore.

I was trying to stop myself from standing up and getting some food when my phone rang.

The caller ID flashed on the screen and suddenly I was fighting off a smile: Lukey.

He hates me calling him that. The weariness and tire that I've been feeling seemed to evaporate and I answered the call.

It's been two weeks, I think, since that grocery store fiasco and I've gotten along Luke and Stella really well. They only live around eight blocks away so the vicinity is still the same. I didn't realize we studied in the same high school and well, we talked, a lot. Me and Stella, too. That bubbly ball of happiness and fluff. I always hang out with them when Stella plays at the playground.

It was all friendly, of course. I mean, yeah, he's cute and all but he has a kid and we never really talked about Stella's mom so let's say I'm venturing on dark waters here. It's all harmless fun though; we talk and hang out but Stella's almost always around, playing and screaming, 'dada lukey' all the time. I only figured out she meant Daddy Luke when there was one time Luke actually blushed and told little Stella, 'it's Daddy Luke, Stel. Not Lukey.'

Which made Stella call him Lukey more, and also made me start to.

"Lukey! What made you call?"

I heard him sigh on the other line, and I fought off a smile again, "Luke, Raya, Luke. Anyway, I called because—"I heard shuffling on his end, then, muffled, I heard him talk to Stella, "Stel, not that dress. No, no. The other one, yes, angel."

A little more shuffling and he was back on the line, "Anyway, Stella was invited to this birthday party of a kid she always plays with at the park. Well, I'd be bored to death there, so...I was hoping you want to come with?"

I was blushing. so. hard. I mean, okay, all things considered, Luke's a dad and this was no date, but of all the girls he—probably—knew, he asked me and my little heart was rejoicing and beating so fast. Good thing he didn't say this personally or I would've been so red and that would've been embarrassing.

"Oh, no problem. Sure," in a little voice, I said, trying to hide any different emotion.

He breathed in obvious relief. "Good God, thank you. Anyway, the kid will be having a kinda fancy birthday, so, wear a decent dress. And...I'll be picking you up in an hour so, get dressed. See ya!"

He'd hung up for a minute now but I still sat quite motionless.

Dress? Decent dress, in an HOUR?

I need an hour to wash myself, an hour to find the right dress. GAAAH! I sprinted to the bathroom, throwing my clothes off in a flash.

An hour later, I stood in front of the mirror in a blue flowery dress that I've picked from a dozen other dresses until I figured this was the right choice. I couldn't do black or red because this was no date. I couldn't do a tight fitting one because of the same reason. This was a kid's birthday so I just opted for a flowery, harmless one. Not too sexy, but not too basic.

I let my wavy hair down, just clipping some of it to the sides, and applying just little makeup. I took my purse and went to stand in front of my house, locking it as I went out.

I stood there nervously, my heartbeat racing. What would Luke think? Is this still too grand? I fidgeted and fidgeted until a navy blue car rounded to my corner and stopped in front of me.

The window in the back seat rolled down and I saw a very excited Stella looking out, "Layaaa!"

She waved her hands at me and I did as well, slowly making my way to the car.

That's when the driver seat opened and Luke emerged.

Well, to put it simply, I died right there.

My throat dried up as I saw him not in his usual jeans and a shirt getup or his sports shorts and top. He looked more than decent, he looked gorgeous. He wasn't even in a suit yet, just a light blue long sleeved polo, with black pants, his hair slicked back.

I smiled timidly as he circled the car to meet me, his smile wide and his eyes alight.

"Thank you for coming with, honestly." He suddenly swooped in and pecked me in the cheek. "You look...beautiful."

He opened the door to the passenger seat and I might've blushed a little too much.

Luke though, looked completely at ease, almost ecstatic with excitement. "You and Stella are matching," he whispered as he got on the driver's seat.

I suddenly looked back and saw little Stella in a blue flowery dress, even a little flower crown on top of her head.

I squealed, coaxing her into my arms. "Look at us, Stel! We're flower girls! We're matching, this is so cute!" I kissed her chubby cheeks. "You are so pretty."

"Pitee. You pitee," she said, holding the necklace I was wearing, examining it carefully.

"Let's go? Will she be okay on your lap?"

"Yeah," I smiled as I looked over.

"By the way, we're all sorta matching," Luke bit his lip as he smiled, stepping on the gas.

Right. He's in a pale blue polo, too.

Suddenly, all I could think of is we looked like a family on our way to this grand birthday party.

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