CTH // Vapor (2)

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If somebody told you cigarettes brought this kind of peace of mind and clarity, you would've tried it ages ago. But then, you also wouldn't, knowing how bad for the health they were. Nevertheless, you couldn't stop smoking.

Your first joint that afternoon with Calum led to another and another and before you knew, you were...a smoker. Unbelievable.

Calum was a breath of fresh air in your somehow toxic life. Not figuratively, since if you think about it, it's actually the other way around. He was a bad influence yet you couldn't make yourself think of it like that. Smoking gave you peace of mind—something that you really needed.

Joint sessions with Calum at a vacant lot overlooking the forest and sunset became routine. Something made you think Calum's presence itself intoxicated you.

He was surprisingly a deep person, once you get to talk to him around 1 am. He sees the world with different eyes, having different beliefs and a unique perception of the world. Through passing of joints, you got scared to admit that you were addicted not only to smoking...but to Calum, too.

It pleases you that he always makes time to meet you every afternoon at the lot and just hang out until the wee hours of the morning, maybe driving around town, and tonight, it's driving along the highway, windows down and your music in full volume.

You close your eyes, feeling the moment, knowing there will never be anymore moments like this and just drinking in the last ounce of freedom you had.

You realized Calum was actually taking you guys somewhere but you didn't ask, pulling your seat until it rested back low, and you stared at the car ceiling, trying to free your mind of what might tomorrow bring.

Suddenly, you open your eyes to Calum nudging your shoulder, and only then you realized you have fallen asleep.

"Sorry," you mumble, sitting up straight and rubbing your eyes.

"It's okay, I didn't want you to know where we were going," he said and you realize the car has stopped, the engine was off and you were surrounded by darkness and the sound of crickets.

In front of you was a two-storey house that kind of blended in with the surroundings, you can see trees around it and the house sort of adapted the scenery, the nature of where it stood. The walls were faded red bricks, covered in green roots, climbing and clinging on the walls. There were two glass windows and a door that just made you feel homey and comfortable, like you want to be inside it. In short, the house was spectacular and natural at the same time. You were completely in awe.

"Where are we?"

"It's a secret. My hideaway of some sorts." He shrugged.

"Are you secretly a serial killer and this is where you'll kill me?"

He laughed, "Girls with faces like yours make serial killers guilty of their crime. They can't just kill angels on a whim, can they?" He unbuckled his seatbelt and went out of the vehicle while you sat there with your mouth open with what he said.

You composed your thoughts when you realized he was looking at you from outside, wondering why weren't you out yet. You scramble out, almost stumbling, squinting your eyes in the dark.

"What is this place, really?"

"A house..." he looked at me warily, and you waited for him to continue,"...that I built."

Your eyes nearly popped out of its sockets. "What!?" your shout echoed around and based on the echoes you realized you may be deep into a forest.

"Yeah, I sort of like architecture. I designed and built it myself, this is my progress after, like 3 years," for the first time Calum seemed timid, shy even, as he held out his hand. "Come on."

With no hesitation you took his hands and almost ran to the house, thinking how was he able to build this all by himself. You gaped at the design, and when Calum went to open the door, you were even more impressed.

"Don't tell me you made the furniture, too." You eyed him.

He smirked shyly again, "Well, yeah, I did. I usually spend all my time here before...well, before we met and I started spending time with you."

You felt blood rushing to your cheeks, walking over to the fireplace and inspecting the intricate details he put in. "Why? This seems more important than me, this is something else, this is beautiful."

"And so are you."

Your heart practically stopped beating when you heard what he said and when you realized he was right behind you. His hands settled on your upper arms as he spun you to face him. You gulped as you saw his brown, beautiful, soulful eyes.

"You know, you should really, like pass the blueprints you make to...uhm, companies, because," you weren't able to continue trying to change the subject because his lips touched yours and you realized nothing else mattered but that. They were soft and sweet and they nipped yours slowly, gently, like you both had all the time in the world.

You felt his hands slowly snake around your waist, his palms heated up. He pulls you closer and you mold your body against his, letting go of your inhibitions, falling hopelessly to the promise his kiss brings.

There was a certain gentleness to his caress and his kiss that turned you on even more, a level of adoration to your body that you felt assaulting not only your senses but your soul. He was careful, like he was holding a fragile glass heart and he kissed it with all the love and care he has inside of him.

He pulls back for a while, your eyes meeting, his a delicious chocolate brown blazing with intensity, yours dazed and overwhelmed. "You should stop smoking. Your lips taste like shit."

He smirks playfully but refused to let go of you. He leans in and plants a wet kiss upon your lips, "It's my fault, I guess. Honestly, though they still taste heavenly."

You blush and he chuckles, "There we go, some color in your face. Come on, I'll show you the rest of the house." He lets go of your waist but intertwined his hands in yours.

He looks back when you remained standing still, the kiss just fully sinking in inside you. "Don't stress yourself about the reason I spend time with you. I've always had this thing where I gravitate around things that make me happy."

An arrow struck your heart in guilt—realizing what was happening. Yet as much as you want to pull away, he was addicting, so as much as you can have him, you will.

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