AFI // Lost Boy (2)

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Lost Boy - Ashton Irwin Part 2

The TV screen seemed to be following Ashton. You were so fixated watching him, crying like he does, you didn't even care wherever you are right now. It didn't matter whether you were in a different dimension or whatever kind of sick joke this is.

You were devastated, broken and the TV screen seems to be showing you everything that's going to break you even more.

Right now it shows Ashton in the sea of hospital beds, all the patients around him cared for by their families while he was alone.

Your heart ached again as you saw him sitting on his own, he had no family. There was nobody there to visit him. He was scribbling on a piece of paper. You squinted your eyes on the screen to make out the words but you can't.

Then suddenly, you noticed a movement in the left corner of the room. Words started forming like paint on the white wall, slowly taking forms, making out sentences.

As you read the first sentence, you sniffled loudly. It was Ashton's handwriting. You know it.

Y/N, don't leave me.

You frantically looked at the tv screen, at what Ashton was writing. You barely made out one sentence. Could it be?

As he started writing again, the same thing happened to the white room's wall. It was as if the walls were the paper Ashton was writing on.

I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so stupid. I can never be the best guy for you.

You felt your heart getting squeezed inside your chest as the second sentence formed. You were breathing loudly now, tears flowing non-stop.

You were afraid you'll lose it if he writes more but still you wanted to know what was on his mind. As if on cue, he started scribbling again in his too-perfect handwriting.

I know I'm fucked up but I love you Y/N. I never said it before but I know you feel it. You're the first one, Y/N. The first one in this forsaken town to give me a chance. And I will never, ever forgive myself if I lose you. I know I'm a sarcastic fucked up boy the whole town hates but you know me now. Because you tried to reach out. You once told me I'm just waiting to be rescued and now I realize that you're right. Without you, I'm a lost boy. Come back, please. I love you so much, God knows how much I want to switch places with you right now. How much I want to take away the pain that you must be experiencing...

You didn't want to read anymore. You were an emotional wreck, you didn't want to see Ashton suffer anymore. But the words, the whole room seemed to be pushing in on you, consuming everything, pushing you to your breaking point.

You screamed and the white room collapsed.


The next thing you heard was your brother.

"She's crying, Mum. There are tears running down from her eyes. Does this mean she's awake? Y/N? Are you there?"

You fluttered your eyelids open, the first thing you noticed was your right foot in a white cast, suspended in the air by wires. You couldn't move your head, your neck was in a cast as well.

You were staring at everything blankly, slowly realizing you were back in your body from where you were last time. Was it just a dream?

You figured it didn't matter. Ashton mattered.

"Mum where's Ashton?" Your voice sounded weird, your lips dry.

"Don't start with him, Y/N. He was the reason you were in this mess," your mom kept her voice down but the authority was there.

"Get me Ashton, please," you whispered to your brother, knowing he'll do it. He nodded ever so slightly.

It was weird for you to be hyper aware of everything even though you just recovered from coma. It gives more proof of your stay at the white room though. What happened there, what you watched and saw there was real.

Pretty soon you heard a commotion in the hallway outside your room, then bursted through the door was Ashton, trailing behind him was your brother, both of them panting. They probably ran.

Your mom gave your brother a deathly stare but knew she won't be able to do anything anymore, so she went out.

Ashton dashed inside, not knowing where to touch you so he settled on holding your hand, he held it so tight it was choking in the hold of his gigantic hands.

You smiled, overflowing with happiness.

"Thank you," you heard him mutter, tears in his eyes. "I never knew what I was gonna do if I lost you."

"But I'm here now."

Ashton's smile as he looked at you felt like it was slowly giving you life. The way his face lit up, it was like how he said it. Like a lost boy getting found.

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