CTH // Black

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Chocolate - The 1975


He was somebody I should stay away from. Even though I didn't know him personally, I've heard enough to know that it was true.

He was trouble. Him and his little clique.

So when I round up the corner to the school parking lot after class, I knew better than to walk past him and his buddies, splayed and hanging out in the sidewalk. I avoided their noisy huddle and walked straight across the lot to my car instead of walking around along the sidewalk.

I gripped my bag tighter to myself; a feeble effort to feel a little sense of security. Please don't let me their prey today, I said in my mind.

Turns out, I was prey to somebody else.

The ever pushy Luke Robert Hemmings.

I spot him anxiously waiting against the hood of my car. Adjusting his two sizes too big eyeglasses, he fidget and fidget until I was there, no choice but to face him.

"Hey," I tried for casual.

"H-hey, Y/N.. Um, I have a, um, favor to ask...?" His voice shook and cracked in the wrong places, his nervousness showing out—too much really. For a moment I felt sorry for the guy. I've been obviously avoiding him these past few days and I see how anxious he got because of it.

"Sure, fire away." I said while he moved away from the door of my car and I push in my keys.

"Would you, um, want to go on a date with, eherm, me?"

Damn. I knew it.

I took a deep breath and thought of a nice way to turn him down—again.

It's not that he wasn't my type, that Luke Hemmings.

I was just not into dating. Anyone. At all. Right now or maybe ever.


"Okay! Okay, maybe not a date, maybe you would want to get some snacks before you go, then?" He must've figured my refusal from my tone and moved to a different approach.

Won't give him a different answer though.


"Just a quick drink! Y/N, please?" he suddenly moved closer and gripped both of my hands. My eyes widened as I felt my hands suddenly enveloped in his sweaty, shaking ones. I looked around and noticed some of the students taking notice at us, the loud banter of the park somehow died down in my ears. I felt like everybody was watching.

"Luke, you see... I can't—"

"PLEASE?" He moved his face closer, gripping my hands tighter and I backed away from him, only to feel my car behind me. I was cornered.

I wanted to say no. I was already saying no, but he wasn't taking it. I didn't know what to do. My breathing accelerates as he moves his face closer, his eyes pleading.

I would've said yes if I could, but that would just give him a different idea. He'd start formally courting me and that's just unfair. I didn't like him. No sense in leading him on.

"Luke, please, I just can't. I don't want to."

"Just one time, Y/N, please..."

"What's this?"

Our heads turn to the sound. When I found out who spoke, I suddenly wished I just said yes to Luke. Surely, that's better than this. It's him.

I gulped. He was in his usual get up, black jeans, black converse, black tank top, black snapback and black backpack. Everything's fucking black, except for his eyes. It's in this pretty shade of brown. His gaze pierced through me coldly.

"Is he harassing you?" he asked me, giving Luke a once over. I see Luke gulp in nervousness from the corner of my eyes.

I took Luke's preoccupation as a chance to get away. I pull away and take my hands away from his, breathing in deep.

"I... I wasn't...? But why do you care, huh?" his voice was little, scared.

Well, he should be. If he gets on his bad side, he's dead.

His brown eyes looked at me again, then back at Luke.

"If I catch you harassing her again, here inside the school or out... You're dead. Get that?"

Luke had confusion all over his eyes—me too. Why is he doing this? But Luke knew better, he knew his place. He nodded and dejectedly walked away.

"You watch yourself, Hemmings. It's my girlfriend you're harassing here."

Luke looked back, his eyes as wide as they could go.


What the hell?

"Got a problem with that? Scat!"

Once Luke was gone, he turned to me and he smiled. He smiled like he was genuinely happy.

"I am not your girlfriend." I firmly said.

"That is not a nice way of saying thank you." He said, his smile gone and then walked away, back to his group of friends, slinging his backpack to his shoulder.

What the hell just happened?


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