CTH // Good Girls (2)

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Good Girls - Calum Hood Part 2


"It's Camila," I quietly said.

I watched her reaction as she took in the information. Her eyebrows raised by a fraction of an inch. It may look like she wasn't affected but after weeks of hanging out with her, finding out who Michael's new conquest is, I've known her. For who she is, not for what people thinks she is.

And I see her struggling under that mask of confidence. That mask of authority and control. She never wanted to be vulnerable. But this news is a big issue for her I see. Because her real emotions seep through the cracks of her mask.

"My bestfriend? He's cheating on me with my bestfriend?!" She exclaimed, her voice a few octaves higher than normal.

She's close to breaking, I thought as I looked at her almost white knuckles, balled in her sides. Her slow, shaky breaths in a lame attempt to steady her breathing. Her trembling, pale lips.

She looked around the empty gymnasium where she asked me to meet her. When she was sure nobody else was in, she slumped on the bleachers and wailed, crying fully.

Y/N. Crying.

I was shocked, I never thought of it possible.

Though, I know she's hurting, I didn't know she was hurting this much. This much to actually cry in front of me.

She always tried to be the good girl everyone expected her to be. I guess that's why it's a struggle for her to let out her feelings like this. I've found out, after weeks of being with her, that she's just a simple girl, with simple dreams.

With her being the town chief's daughter, being the Valedictorian, being saved for Harvard next year. She was burdened. She was pressured. And I felt bad for her.

Slowly, I approached her, afraid that she would scream at me. She never wants to be vulnerable around anybody, she thinks she must be strong at all times.

But when I sat beside her, she gripped my arms, buried her face in my chest, sobbing intensely.

I was frozen, the odd, comforting feeling of her small body against mine quickly making me aware of everything. There was it again, that weird unexplainable feeling.

I first felt it when she kissed me in the library, and everytime she got too close, when I stared in her eyes too long, the same feeling punches me from deep within.

And immediately, I hated Camila. I hated Michael. I hated this whole town for making her something she isn't.

"I thought," she sniffled loudly, like someone who has never cried for a long time, "she was my friend."

"Shhh, Y/N. Everything will be--"

I was cut off as she let go of me abruptly, almost pushing me away.

She hastily wiped her tears. "Okay, I'll do my end of the bargain."

I never had enough time to think of what bargain she meant when she just abruptly kissed me. Full on the mouth.

Oh. The taste the good girl slash bad girl bargain.

"Y/N, stop. Hey. Stop," I half struggled. Yeah, half struggled. Well, sorry but she tasted so damn sweet and her body pushed against mine was far enough to make me want her. I could feel myself getting hard, my pants tightening.

"Michael doesn't want me anymore. You don't want me either?" She said, hurt in her eyes. She pulled away, slowly going in hysterics again, her already bloodshot eyes starting to water.

"Shit, come on, Y/N," I reached for her arm but she swatted my hand away. I held her shoulders and shook her to listen to me.

"I like you. So much. But I don't want it this way, not like this. I'd take you, but I'm no Michael Clifford. You won't see me hooking up with you in hidden library shelf. If I'm gonna do it with you, I'm gonna do it right. And besides, you don't deserve a Michael, Y/N. You deserve so much more."

"Oh, Calum," she seemed to listen, taking in all my words. Then, she hugged me. Tight.

"Thank you so much," she was sniffling yet again.

She let go and I watched her wipe her eyes from the tears.

"Are you ready for another mission?" She said, smiling darkly now.

"Do I still get to taste the good girl slash bad girl of the town for it?" I smiled at her in the same intensity and malice.

"Yep. And our mission, a revenge on the fuckers, Michael and Camila," she was scary. Beautiful scary. Depending on her intelligence, her naught, this Michael is gonna run back to his cave.

I laughed, ruffling her hair, "That's my bad girl."

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