LRH // Amnesia (3)

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"So, the boy did something to make his girlfriend upset?" She inquired, real curiosity in her eyes.

She listened to me tell her about our love story. And she didn't even know. Though, I notice her furrowing her eyebrows at some parts, probably remembering the feeling, but not the memory at all.

I told her about how the school's hottest guy -slash me but I didn't tell her- fell inlove with the school's nobody. How she made him feel things he never felt. How she made him feel complete. I told her everything.

And I also told her about the part I was scared to tell her the most. About how one day I got drunk and slept with Janina. I was never quite sure of what happened, I didn't think something really did happen since I was so drunk and I believe I just blacked out.

"He slept with another girl?" Y/N exclaimed in shock. "But he loves her. He must not have meant it."

"But when he talked to her, she took it badly. You see, uni is pressuring her as well. And the news was too much for her." Too much, I thought, that after the argument she drove away crying, and a car hit her. But I didn't add it. It was too painful.

A tear almost escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it away. But Y/N noticed.

"Hey, are you okay? Are you sure that nothing happened with him and that girl?"

"He cleared things with this girl and the girl admitted that nothing happened since the guy was too drunk and wasted."

Little did she know, it was our story. Our tragic love story. I looked at her, sitting beside me, sniffling lightly.

"Hey, don't cry. It's just a story," I faked laughter, soothing her.

She started wiping her tears, getting embarrassed I suppose, "I feel bad for the two of them. What they had was promising. It was something to last. What happened to them? Did they make up?"

"It's just a story, Y/N. Chill," I patted her back and she stiffened at my touch.

"You know what's crazy? This sting I get everytime you touch me is crazy. It makes me want to try something," she slowly smiled at me, and for a moment I saw the same old Y/N that loves me.

Before I had time to respond, her lips were on mine. Fuck.

She pressed her body against mine and I enveloped my arms around her, groaning. I drank in the sensation of feeling her soft lips on mine again, how long I've longed for this. How long I wished to hold her close like this again. I was like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time, I couldn't get enough of her.

Something inside me told me to stop. This wasn't right. No.

But she was lost in the feeling, her eyes closed, her hands all over my hair, my chest, my back. Her kiss making me crazy.

I willed myself to stop, struggling to push her away.

She was dazed, licking her lips unconsciously. She was so fucking beautiful.

"I... I have to go, Y/N," I stood, took a deep breath and walked away.


I half expected her to follow me but as I walked, I heard no sound of pursuit. I sighed, looking back, giving up.

What I saw made me run back. Y/N curled on the ground.

"Y/N!" I kneeled down, helped her sit. She was scrunching up her face in pain, fingers pressed on her temples.

She must be having her flashes.

I sat there, rubbing her back, pushing away the stray hair from her face, wiping the cold sweat that formed on her forehead.

I wanted to do something to ease the pain but I couldn't so I watched her hopelessly, waited until it's over.

Slowly, her breathing came back to normal. I let her sit on her own, waiting for her to be completely okay.

She faced me, and as she looked at me with those piercing, knowing black eyes like the same way she did a month ago on my apartment, just before the accident, I instantly knew her memory was back.

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