LRH // Bookish (2)

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It has been a week and she still hasn't come back. She never goes to the library anymore. So I stroll around the school, hoping to find her. Loaine. I think I found out her name when one of her blockmates called her, I remember her head snapping up when she heard her name and the way her lips shook while talking.

Why is she so...introverted? Why does she look so scared?

What I have right now is more than plain curiosity. I feel myself getting drawn towards her. I have this crazy need to uncover her secrets, to know her reasons for not interacting with people, to know her. She was a fascinating little thing. And god I want to hear her voice and her laugh again.

I walked by the auditorium when I heard something. Being the curious little me, I placed my ears by the barely opened doors.

The beautiful sound of a piano and a voice singing, led me to enter the huge auditorium, careful to make any noise and hid behind the several rows of chairs, down to a stage with a large grand piano and a girl.

And I fucking know the girl. Her. It was her, the same black hair, the glasses, and she's singing. Hiding by the middle row, I slide down to my knees, leaning on the back of the chairs, I closed my eyes and listened.

She was singing Skinny Love. God, her voice sounds so enchanting. I could sit here forever and listen to it. Lose myself to it.

Few minutes after, the song ends and I'm left with a weird feeling of emptiness that I couldn't help but stand and say, "Play another one. Please."

She gasped from the stage, which was like a few feet away from me still, and I saw her eyes shine in recognition. She remembers me. She swallows, shakily closes the piano lid and stood.

"Please, don't - don't go," I pleaded, running to the front of the stage. Hoisting myself up to the centerstage.

She looked at me like a deer caught by headlights and I slowly say one more time, "Play one more song, please."

She stared at me for a long time, and I tried to decipher what was in her brown eyes: fear, worry, wonder, confusion. I almost thought she was going to run again but she sat and opened the lid of the piano.

In a second the whole place was filled with a melody I don't know but still sounds so...magical. It assaults my ears and senses, mesmerizing me and I slowly make my way beside her as her fingers danced along the keys.

I gestured that I'll be sitting beside her and she made no move to complain. I slowly slid beside her, I sighed and closed my eyes.

Then I hear her voice.

Damn, I sighed again. Her voice.

I open my eyes and I look over her, she had her eyes closed, surrendering herself to the music. Singing her heart out with such emotion. She was enchanting. And I'm never gonna grow tired of saying this.

She finishes the song with me staring at her, she opens her eyes and blushed as she saw me looking.

I offer my hand, "I'm Luke."

She looks at my hand, swallows and stares at me again, her eyes almost always filled with fear, uncertainty. She breathes deeply before taking my hand, "I'm Loaine."

I didn't know what to do, the contact of her hand sent a crazy energy surging through me, throwing my cool off balance, so out of the things I should've said, I mumbled, "I know."

Slowly, I was rewarded with a small, hesitant yet knee-bucklingly beautiful smile.

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