LRH // Killer (5)

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5 years later.

You find yourself face to face with the same blue eyes.

But in the past years you've stared into them, they've started to slowly reflect the emotion yours had. What had been a numb, emotionless face of a killer started to be more humane, Luke started to be more him.

Like every time you visit him, he takes hold of your hand like a lifeline, gripping it tightly as soon as you sit in front of him on the table. He takes it closer to his face and closes his eyes, sighing contentedly.

"I missed you."

You smile as he said it. Three words, and the past month of not seeing him faded into oblivion, the longing all forgotten. He was here. You were here. Nothing else mattered but the way you tried show him how you missed him, too.

"I missed you, too. So much." You said, trying to put all the love you could into six simple words.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly croaked as he looked down on your intertwined hands.

Almost routinely, you stood up and rounded the table to stand in front of him, already knowing what he was crying for. "Don't be, Luke. You're getting better, you're way better than you were five years ago and you're almost there. You're almost out."

His hand went from your hands to snake around your waist. He squeezed you tight as he buried his face on your chest, fighting his sobs. "Am I?"

"Come on, you are. I'm proud of you. I love you."

Luke pulled away a bit to look up at you, a huge smile on his lips as his eyes shone with tears, "I love you, too."

Leaning down, you planted a soft, lingering kiss on his forehead and felt him sigh on the touch of your lips. After doing so, you took his hands away and went back to your seat, knowing he'll be fine now.

Being attached romantically was nothing you ever planned with Luke but as the kiss seemed to have triggered something in him that made his monster go away, Luke clung to you like a hungry man asking for food. He craved physical touch, he wanted to always hold your hand, he wanted to kiss you randomly, on the palm, finger, forehead, your cheeks, that you've grown to fall in love with him and him with you.

"I'm sorry, I freaked out a bit. I just missed you. Whenever you're not here I feel so sad and miserable."

"I can't stay, Luke. If I could then I would, but if you really want to be good then you have to pay for the things you've done."

"I know, that's why I'm here," he said, looking around the room and looking past the windows that show an institution meant for people with mental disabilities, the place where Luke was in.

"We're really lucky they even let me visit you once a month." You say, remembering Luke's first months here. It was problematic, you almost gave up but the thought of Luke wanting to be saved from his monsters and his helplessness moved you to really work for it and admit him to the institute. 

You even filed a report of Luke's admission to his murders but because of his mental disorder, he was somehow given an amnesty only after serving the government and the country for 6 years while in the care of the institute.

And right now he was on his fifth year, one last more and he was a free man. Figuratively and literally. The institute, and you, were doing a great job of extinguishing his demons, keeping it silent, hopefully for good.

"We're almost there, Luke."

He smiles, "I'm almost living again. And this time, I know I'll be fine because I'll be living it with you."

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