AFI // Lost Boy (1)

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Lost Boy - Ashton Irwin Part 1

"I said no smoking in the car, Ashton!" You coughed in annoyance as Ashton just laughed, rolled the windows of the car down.

"There, missy. You're so worked up," he said, taking a drag from his cigarette and blowing the smoke outside.

"You do know that smoking affects the inhaler more than the one who smokes, right?" You snapped at him.

"I don't need your lecture right now, Miss Know-It-All," he chuckled, amused by your annoyance. He reached out and ruffled your hair, scrunching up his face in amusement.

"Eyes on the roa--"

The last thing you saw was worry in his eyes as he tried to maneuver the car, he looked to you and that was the first time you ever saw fear in those hazel brown eyes, almost hidden by his messy curls.

What came soon after was a deafening metallic sound, something so loud it hurt your ears and a crash. Then, everything went blank.


You woke up in a white room. There was almost nothing inside, just a bed, an open television and you. You glanced around but there was no door.

You started to panic but the image on the television caught your eye. It was Ashton, bruised and injured, lying on a hospital bed. He has one arm in a cast but he seemed fine.

Memories of the accident came back. The large cargo truck, Ashton swerving away but crashing onto a tree, you blacking out.

You checked yourself, you seemed okay. No injuries, nothing hurt. But as you looked at the television screen, you saw a familiar figure on the bed beside Ashton's.

She was badly injured, one foot suspended in the air, probably broken, her ribs plastered, and her neck in the cast. But she has the same the same uneven lips, the same tired expression you saw everyday in the mirror. The girl was you.

You gasped at the realization, slowly piecing out the facts. Where were you? Why weren't you injured? What is happening?

The thoughts in your head disappeared as you saw Ashton move, stirring awake. All thoughts went to one: worry.

He sat, you saw him rake his hands through his hair as he looked at you.

"Y/N, I'm sorry."

Your throat constricted upon hearing him. He was crying.

"Come back please, don't leave me. I won't smoke anymore. Ever. Just please, Y/N," he said, voice cracking.

You start to tear up at the sight of him, hopeless.

He was never like this, he was the town's bad boy. Somebody everyone hates. He never let it get to him, instead he stood up and played a big ego.

He took a deep breath and faced away from you as a doctor came near your bed, behind him was your mother.

You still can't believe that girl lying there was you. You were here in tbis crazy white room, uninjured and they were there, inside the TV screen.

"She's in a coma, Madam. She can hear us, but can't respond. I recommend the people close to her to speak to her regularly as to help her regain consciousness," the doctor said to your mother.

What? Coma as in comatose?

The doctor left your mother beside you and you heard your mother talk to Ashton.

"I've always warned her to stay away from you because you're trouble. Now, look where you got her," your mother said with all the disdain in her voice.

Your heart is breaking at the sight of Ashton, you didn't want to hear this. You didn't want to see Ashton experience this. He was sitting on the other part of the bed, facing away from your mother but you can see his shoulders shaking ever so slightly. Instantly, you knew he was crying.

He probably thinks he's guilty for all this.

He was good person. It's just nobody ever gave him a chance. Only you.

You were the first one in your town to dare talk to him, to know him.

"I asked the doctors to transfer her in another room. Being around you will never do her good," she snapped as nurses came to take your almost lifeless body out of the room. Your mother went out with them.

As they took your body out, you saw Ashton look at the place where your bed used to be, his cheeks tear-stained for the probably the first in a long, long time.

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