CTH // Fear (2)

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She was bored as hell. Hospitals always bored her. Angered her. She had waited in a hospital's lobby so much in her life that it had brought her a sense of dread, hate. As she listened to the OB-GYNE, she had found yet another reason to dread hospitals.

"At 6 weeks, your baby seems to be unusually weak. Your uterine wall isn't thick and strong enough to hold the baby in place as it develops. I advise you to be extra careful since this will be a very delicate pregnancy. I will also prescribe you more than a few meds to help with the morning sickness, and also for strengthening your uterine wall."

In the end, the doctor gave her a long scrip and bid them goodbye with a kind yet condescending smile—too-young parents, she probably says in her mind. She scoffed as they left.

Calum was overreacting and was being too involved; he was starting to piss her off.

"Don't smoke, okay? I'll find out if you did and it won't be good." He said as they went inside the apartment. She nodded silently, rolling her eyes.

"And you can't settle on takeouts now. You have to eat healthy food, you are eating for two. Let's go to the grocery tomorrow and fill the fridge with vegetables and look up good diets for you." He said as you were eating Thai takeouts from across the street one night a week later.

"Take that off. Didn't I buy you maternity dresses yesterday? Wear those instead." He clucked as he saw you wiggling into you skinny jeans and you were having such a bad morning then that you burst.

"Shut up, Calum! Stop acting like this goody-goody would-be father! Like you're excited for this! I'm tired of this shit! Stop alright?! It's pissing me off!"

"But Y/N, I am an excited would-be dad! Aren't you? Excited for our baby!? I'm not pretending! What the hell are you talking about?"

She laughed hysterically. "No, Calum. You're not excited. Or maybe you are. But stop making me believe you'll be this great dad to this kid. You won't be."

Confusion was in his eyes as he asked, "Why are you saying this? How sure are you that I won't be?"

"Good fathers don't exist, Cal. I am a living proof to that." For the first time since her conception, she cradled her stomach, as if protecting the baby from the cruelty of reality. "This baby won't be safe here."

Pain laces inside Calum, Y/N's words unconsciously reaching home.

He clenched his fist and bit his tongue. Wordlessly, he stomped out of the room, leaving Y/N shocked. She didn't expect Calum to actually be affected by her outburst. Now, he left, too.

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