CTH // Black (3)

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I never thought of how much danger I've put her in after telling pretty much everyone that she was my girlfriend. As I see how it affects her everyday life, every time she walks in the room with me in it, it gets harder for her to cope with all the teasing, the shouting, everyone telling her off.

Now, even the frats outside the school knew she was my 'girlfriend' and I know they're going to use her against me sooner or later, since God knows how they wanted me down for so long now.

I couldn't help but just make sure she was never out of my sight. I couldn't find the courage to approach her again, besides, what was I going to say? Hey, you're in danger because of me so I'll protect you? Pure bullshit.

I wanted her safe; mainly because I was the reason she was sucked into this mess that is my life.

Monitoring her every move wasn't hard, she had a routine: Whole morning she's in class, at lunch she stays in this table along with some of her friends. After lunch, she goes up to the library and reads there alone for like an hour or so. Then her afternoon class comes, and then when it's over she goes to her locker to put her things and goes out straight to her car to drive home. A boring routine, to be honest, but tremendously helpful right now that I needed to keep track of her.

I conspicuously wait in the hallway across her locker for her to get her things, before following her car home; afterwards, I know she's safe with his brother. Even though that fucker Michael is an ass, he seemed to be nice, protective brother to her.

Ten minutes. She's still not here. The hallway was almost deserted.

With my heart beating heavily against my chest, I walked up to her room. Biology was her last class. I open the room, as if expecting she would be there, reading or whatever. Nobody was there.

I walked in, looking around for any sign of her things. Her seat was the fourth seat from the left in the second row. There was nothing there—wait.

A piece of paper.

Fuck. I cussed out since I pretty much knew what has happened, she's slipped through my fingers, my not-so watchful gaze.

You got a pretty nice girl here, Hood.

Figured I'd have some fun with her.

PS. I'm no note person but I asked her to write this for me before we left since I saw she had such pretty handwriting. And for this to serve as a last souvenir to you before she's not yours anymore.

"Ashton- fucking-Irwin." I crumpled the piece of paper and dashed out the room.

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