MUKE // Goodbyes and Hellos (2)

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Lenie was taken aback by the sadness in the boy's pale green eyes. For once, somebody mirrored her own agony, somebody felt like she did.

"What did you say?" the boy said. His voice felt so broken, Lenie immediately felt like crying.

Lenie pursed her lips before sitting on the swing beside the guy, "Nothing, I just... I just thought you were somebody I knew."

The guy sniffed, wiping his tears using his shirt's collar, "You know Luke, too?"

Lenie gasped as she looked over to he guy once again, her hands automatically tightening on the swing's chain handle, "Y-You know him?"

"He was my bestfriend," Lenie saw the guy wince as he said was. She, too, still has a hard time to believe it. That Luke Hemmings is already a was. The guy continued, "We were friends ever since we were little but when I reached year 10, my family and I had to move to Perth and we've been separated ever since."

"Y-You're Michael?" Lenie asked, remembering from the many times Luke had mentioned and told her about his childhood bestfriend, Michael.

Michael looked over to her, wondering how she knew. She just shrugged, "Luke's obssessed with you. He always talked about how you and him were like the 'bestest pals ever', his words not mine."

They silently laughed, remembering and imagining how Luke said it. Michael smirked, "Yeah, he always had this crush on me. So, you're... Lenie? His girlfriend he always talks about on his calls?"



"No, I'm sorry." Lenie hesitantly laid her palm rest on Michael's shoulder. "You didn't even get to see him before he... left."

"He didn't leave. I'd like to think that he just rushed himself to wherever we'd end up. I'll see him again," Lenie glanced at Michael to see him looking up at the blue sky, and as if taunting them, the wind blew to their direction, as if there was a presence. As if it was his presence.

Lenie closed her eyes and felt the cool wind. She opened them and saw Michael looking over to her, for the first time again, she found herself smiling, "That's a nice thought. I'd like to think about it like that. We'll definitely see him again."

Michael stood up, and Lenie clearly saw him. He was almost as tall as Luke, he was pale, too pale really, and as he stood sideways from Lenie, she found out he had a wonderful profile, his nose, quite rounded at the tip, his eyes squinting as he smiles, and his lips, which seemed unnaturally red.

"So he also always takes you here in this playground?" Michael asks, glancing around the old park.


"Wanna come?" he suddenly asks and stares at Lenie.

Lenie felt scared of what she felt as their eyes met. She knew she loved Luke and will always do but after he left, Lenie never felt comfort or security in anything in this world and what scares her, is that she found that comfort again in Michael's eyes. She gulped, "Where?"

"Trust me?"

Lenie didn't know what came over her, well, she barely knew the guy except of what Luke used to tell her and their small exchange but she found herself nodding. She's been looking for someone to save her from her misery and one look at Michael's eyes, all her pain seemed to go away.


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