LRH // Amnesia (1)

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Amnesia - Luke Hemmings Part 1

"He's your friend, Y/N."

The words hurt like hell. Friend. Was that all we ever were?

But I kept a straight face. This was what's best for her, or so her parents say. I forced a smile, braced myself as her mother escorted her inside the room. She was still weak, she just got home from the hospital.

I dread seeing her again, knowing she doesn't remember me. I don't think I can handle seeing her watch me with those eyes not knowing I've been close to her than anybody had been. But I couldn't help it. I just had to visit her.

I'm a sick masochistic guy. I'm a fool. Out of love.

As I see her clearly, my mouth begins to dry, my heart went on double-pace like it always does around her. My fingers tingled, they yearned to touch her and hug her.

She lost so much weight, has she been eating properly?

I wanted to ask her mum but she's already in the room and one wrong word, she can be suspicious.

"Is he one of my friends from the school, too?"

Her voice. God, how I missed her voice.

Her mom nodded and proceeded to guide her on a seat beside me. I groaned internally. What's her mom doing? It's already hard for me to keep this straight composure and she decides to put her beside me?

I balled my fists in my lap, if I don't watch myself I might just crush her in my arms and hug her.

When her mom felt she was comfortable sitting down, she quietly exited the room, giving me a knowing look. I quietly nodded.

"So, what brings you here?" She said, trying to be confident.

I smiled, my Y/N. Always trying to be in control. She's trying to be strong but I see fear in those black eyes.

You can't hide it from me, Y/N. I know you, you're my Y/N. I almost blurted out.

But is she still yours? The other part of my brain said, making me feel bitter.

"I just wanted to visit you. How have you been?" I tried to keep the longing in my voice.

She laughed and I savored the sound. "It's actually really hard. Lots of people claiming to be my friends but what I see are strangers. I remember my mom, my dad, my brothers. Some of my friends. But it sucks you know? I see people giving me these looks and its creeping me out because at the moment, they know more about me than I do."

I couldn't help smiling, at least she's back to her talkative self.

"Are the memories still not back?" I inquired, curious as to what she remembers now.

Last time I'd been in the hospital, she didn't want to see an unfamiliar face because she was scared. So her mom asked her all the people she remembers. And I remember breaking down in a corner when she didn't say my name. Two years. Two years of our relationship, forgotten because of a stupid accident.

"There are flashes. But they hurt so much, it almost makes me wish not to remember at all," she said jokingly but I couldn't help taking in a sharp breath.

Not to remember at all. She didn't want to remember me. This is her talking because of the pain. I must not let it get to me but the pain just kept on lapping in my chest, taunting to break my heart in a slash.

She must've noticed, "Hey, hey. I was just joking. I didn't mean to.. I mean, of course I want to remember you.. uhm.."

"Luke. It's Luke."

"Okay, Luke. I'm sorry. I said it wrong." Then she reached for my still balled fists on my lap.

I braced myself for the feeling, and there it was. As she touched me, I felt a weird energy, travelling from my hands to the core of my being. She gives me life. Energy. Almost literally.

She quickly pulled her hand back, startled. She must've felt it too. She was studying me with those probing eyes.

Shortly, her mom came inside the room, "Y/N. It's time to rest. We don't want you over exerting your body."

She rolled her eyes.

And I laughed, whispered to her, "At least, that, Y/N didn't change."

She looked at me, smiling widely, "Do I do that often?"

I nodded, smirking.

"Cool." But her exlression changed. It was confused. So she let her mum guide her up, lead her out of the room.

"Bye, Luke. See you around."

I waved, a fake smile on my face.

Somehow, I felt happy. At least, amnesia wasn't able to take away the effect we have on each other. There's still hope.

Even if its a crazy hope, that's all I have as of now. That's all I have on bringing her back.

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