MASHTON // Fuck-ups (2)

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It was rushed. It was sloppy. But holy fuck did it feel good.

Your hips already hurt from his forceful thrusts, the sound of skin slapping to skin and your moans and gasps overpowered the light chirping of birds outside. What a way to start the day.

The feeling of him filling you in in every thrust was mindblowing, a taste of heaven on earth. The look on his face, his blazing hazel eyes, the sweat dripping down his face, his luscious hair bouncing along to the primitive dance.

He was perfect, and he was making you feel it. He was filling you in with himself, he was filling your whole being with nothing but him. You couldn't see anything but him, you couldn't feel anything but him and his tight grasps, his little hair fetish, how he likes to grab fistfuls of your hair and pulling it while fucking just made the whole experience better.

You liked it rough, and he most certainly isn't being gentle.

The release was always an explosion. You and him coming undone, losing yourselves to the ecstacy every orgasm brings.

You lay panting and sweating beside him, eyes absently gazing over at the time.

Well fuck.

You sat up fast, took the sheets and covered yourself.

"Babe?" Ashton asked, still breathless.

"I have to go. It's quarter to nine."

He groaned and rolled around the bed, uncaring whether he was naked or not. "Do you really have to?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." You softened your voice when you heard the tinge of sadness in his tone.

"But I'm barely back home, I'm always abroad, touring. Can't I have you all for myself when I'm here?" He was laying on his stomach, facing away from you but you knew he ws pouting.

You approached him and kissed the top of his head. "I'll ask if I can take a leave, but right now, I really have to."

He sat and faced you, and while still pouting, he said, "Okay."

You smiled wide, in bed he was so dominating and rough but-well technically you're still both in bed-now he was being so adorable with all his pouts and eyes.

"Can't you be that cute when you're fucking the sense out of me?" you joked, standing up and making your way to the bathroom.

"Then it wouldn't be fucking, Y/N." He laughed loudly, settling back into the bed.


"What took you so long? It's half past nine," he immediately whined as soon as you entered the semi-darkened room.

His mancave.

Why here? Nobody would ever suspect he takes a girl here, this was his alone place. Well, not really. It's become more of your hiding place.

"Ashton," you say, as if his name was enough explanation for your lateness.

It was. He sighed as he paused his videogame.

"When will you ever go out with me? When will you ever sleep in with me? Not with that fucker Ashton." He takes you to his lap, mindlessly pulling your shirt up, tracing a path in your skin wherever he touched you, his lips lightly skimming along your neck.

You held his shoulders and faced him.

"Maybe if you only told management you didn't want me to be his girlfriend for publicity, you know. You could be my boyfriend, not him. Not that I don't enjoy being his girlfriend, you know."

He pouted, "But you always tell me you don't."

"It's complicated, Michael. I just want someone who is in control of things, who knows what he's doing. Ashton is like that - especially in bed." You giggled mid-sentence, while Michael scowled, tightening his grip on your waist.

"I can be in control." Michael said in a small voice.

"Hah! Really? When all you do is stay indoors and play stupid videogames?"

"No. In bed."

As his lips caught yours in a savage kiss - a kiss meant to punish - you figured maybe you pushed him too hard this early in the morning. A kiss and your already sore body ignited, reacting to his touch and soon, you couldn't even remember Ashton's name. Michael made sure of that.

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