LRH // Amnesia (4)

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Amnesia - Luke Hemmings Part Four


"So this was the missing part," you concluded, a little bit disoriented as your memories came flooding back.

Luke nodded gravely, aware that your memory was back. He knows me so well, you thought.

It was strange, how a few minutes ago you were just amused as to who Luke was before you had amnesia and now you remember everything. So that's why you longed to kiss him the first time you saw him, but then at the same time a searing pain speared your chest.

Everything was justified. Why you wanted to see the tall, blonde boy who visited you days after going home from the hospital. Why he was in your dreams every night, giving you a strange feeling to who he really was.

You were piecing it all out in your mind, the accident, your argument with Luke, your time in the hospital, how many people have you actually forgotten when Luke suddenly sniffled, making you look at him.

The anger that was building back up inside you because of him sleeping with Janina, which he claims was nothing, quickly crumbled as you realized why he was crying.

All these weeks you had amnesia, all the time you spent in the hospital, all those 4 months, Luke must be blaming himself for the accident.

Your heart broke at the sight of him, crying fully now, sniffling like a little kid. He looked so helpless.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. Will you ever forgive me?" His voice cracked as he spoke.

"You actually blame yourself for the accident, don't you?" You said in a shaky voice.

"Because it is! It's my fault! You lost what? 3-4 months of your life because of me and who the fuck knows, you could've died! All because I fucked up, one night! I always tried to be a better guy for you, I know I used to be an asshole but I tried to change for you, but still, I messed up."

He raked his hands through his hair, looking at me with his bloodshot eyes, on a roll now, "Every night, every fucking night I pray that somehow I'd wake up the next day with amnesia like you. To forget everything. To forget how miserable I am. I almost lost you, Y/N. And if I did, I don't know how to live anymore. I don't know."

Tears were flowing down your face as well at this point. You were torn between forgiving him for the Janina incident but the greater part of you just felt so bad for him, for what he had to go through while you had amnesia.

The latter part won. You wrapped your arms around him, surrendering to your heart. As soon as he hugged you back, you felt like you did the right thing. His arms never failed to give you that sense of protection, peace and most importantly, in his arms you feel most loved.

"Sshhh, it's not your fault, Luke. Of course, I'd forgive you." You rubbed his back, which was still shaking violently. You can feel hus chest heaving as he hugged you back tight, like he never wanted to let go. And deep inside you, you knew, he never did want to.

"I just feel so pathetic. I love you so much, Y/N. So fucking much, and the thought of losing you, it's too painful to even consider." He said, pulling away for a little. He cupped your face, wiping your tears with his thumb.

And you could never forget how he looked at you right then. Your eyes, red, your cheeks tear-stained, but he smiled at you like he was looking at the most beautiful thing in the world.

"I love you."

You smiled back, overwhelmed by the feeling. You stood on your tiptoes, trying to reach his lips, but you couldn't, he laughed and leaned down to kiss you.

You felt rather than hear him groan against your mouth. The kiss felt extra sweeter like how can that be possible? But you savored the taste, your arms feeling his back, to his neck snaking up to his hair.

You were so close to the edge, almost there but Luke stopped. He pulled away and you pouted, annoyed.

"What now?"

"I said I love you, Y/N. It wasn't a question but it needs an answer," he pouted playfully.

"Oh, I seem to have forgotten that part. Must be the amnesia." You faked confusion.

His face fell down in sadness, making you laugh. You pulled his head down and rested it against yours, your foreheads touching.

"But of course, Hemmings. I love you so much more."

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