CTH // Vapor

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CTH // Vapor


A whole cloud of white smoke came your way.


You coughed for the nth time. Apart from that, your patience has disappeared, the annoyance reigning in.

"Can you please stop fucking smoking in here? There's a sign, for Pete's sake!" You furiously point to the sign ironically in front of the tall, dark curly haired guy.

He smirked at you, unfazed by your sudden outburst. He dropped the half-finished cigarette and crushed it with his black chucks. "All you had to do was ask, missy. Chill, you seriously need a cigarette more than I do."

You groan, "Fuck off."

The sour mood you were in has been accumulated from the stress of the whole day; you were supposed to attend a job interview but your slacks had to rip this morning, the train you were riding on malfunctioned, your shoes' heels broke off, basically the makings of the worst day ever.

It was your first ever job interview and the OCD in you prepared for everything early the night before but all of these shitty things just had to happen. You felt like bursting because of everything falling out of place.

You didn't like it. You liked being in control, you liked everything getting planned out in front of you. You liked knowing what's in store and getting prepared for it. You didn't want failures, you didn't want delays.

And this day has just earned its place on the top of your fail days list—if you ever made one.

Add up the fact that when you get to the company, you were next in a long line to this rude smoker. For heaven's sake it's an air-conditioned room, he should be castigated or even escorted out the premises for it.

It was already 4:30 and there were still a lot of people in line, though already anxious, you fumbled and fumbled even more in your seat as the clock ticks, what if they close application now? What if you don't make it?

Your fears were clarified as a woman emerges from the room all the applicants were going in. She cleared her throat, "As it is almost 5pm, we would ask the remaining applicants to just return tomorrow for their interviews."

Silent groans of protests were almost heard as the applicants stood up and dejectedly made their way out of the room.

With annoyance coursing through your whole body, you walked out the building, walking onto the sidewalk—and slipping, your butt hitting solid pavement.

"Fucking shit!" You shouted out of frustration, not believing the circumstances. How could one be this unlucky in one day?

"Let me help you up-" a voice said and groaned as you felt yourself getting heaved off the ground. Dusting dirt off your backside, you realize it was the guy—the smoker guy.

"Thanks," you muttered with an eyebrow raised. You started walking away when you heard him again.


"What the fuck do you need?!" You screamed back to him, the annoyance from earlier not subsiding, you were unlucky, and he was one of your bad luck today.

"Can you just calm down for a fucking minute? I deserve some of your good graces you know, I helped you," he defended, eyebrows also raised as though he was wondering why you were still angry at him.

You consider it for a minute, thinking maybe you got unluckier for lashing out on random people. With this thought in your head, you lowered your voice as you spoke, "I'm not having a good day, sorry."

"Care to talk about it?" He said with some kind of amusement in his eyes.

Something about the way he asked or studied you or tilted his head as he did, that you somehow made you agree but, you convinced yourself that it's only because you needed to vent and he was more than fine with it. "Sure."

"Great, now that that's settled, I would really recommend a joint for you to loosen up." He says and takes his cigarette box and takes one, offering it to you.

"I don't take things from strangers," you said, looking straight at him, judging whether he looked like someone with ulterior motives. The guy smiled a full smile and for a second, you lost train of thought.


"My name's Calum Hood, so are you gonna take it or take it?"

You scoff as you composed yourself and mindlessly take the joint, forgetting what you always strictly told yourself: Don't dive in to the unknown.


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