AFI // Switch

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You open the bedroom door with Ashton on the bed, leaning back on the headboard, twirling his red bandana with one hand.


You half gasped. You just got home from work, in your head you were looking forward to eating a heavy dinner and a nice, refreshing bath and a good night's sleep but at the sight of his bandana, all other thoughts ceased to exist.

"I got your text," he said, mindlessly twirling the piece of cloth on his right hand.

Though your heartbeat has accelerated rapidly, you try to maintain composure, setting down your bag by your makeup table and loosened your necktie. "Yeah, that's basically it. Shitty day at the office, getting shouted at by the boss for a mistake I didn't make. Meaning, I'm too tired to play, Ashton. Keep your dominant dick and your bandana for tonight. I'm not in the mood."

You continue stripping down for bath, facing away from Ashton. You felt him move from the bed, you thought maybe he was going to keep his bandana but he was behind you and made you face him.

"Ashton," you groaned in complaint. "I don't want to play."

"You sure about that?" He reached for your hands and you knew he was going to tie his bandana on your wrists, but he dropped it timidly in your open palms.

Your eyebrows scrunch up in confusion, looking up to him for this was unusual—he has never given you the bandana. EVER.

The next words he said made your already fast heartbeats go into overdrive.

"Tie me up, please."

It was not his usual dom voice, it lacked force, conviction, it was...soft, pliant, submissive. The room was suddenly tense, electricity almost sparking in the small space between your bodies. You were breathing from your mouth as you looked into his eyes and saw a gentle hazel, a soft, clear, almost blank look of innocence.

"Please, Hillary. Tie me up." The soft voice said.

He hasn't even touched you yet but your insides were tumbling and wobbling, desire rippling in every muscle, every fiber in your body.

With shaking hands you slowly took the red bandana and tied up his wrists together.

Is he really letting you do this? Is he really going to let you dominate him?

An unfamiliar excitement blooms inside of you, a strange feeling of power, of authority.

After tying him up, you led him to the bed and took his hands over his head, and you stepped back, looking at him, drinking in the sight of Ashton, all big and muscly, tied up and laid down all yours for the taking. A weird feeling of contentment spreads yet again and you saw why Ashton loved playing this with you. The knowledge of submitting—of Ashton submitting—everything according to your wishes is like complete possession. Owning him, body and soul.

You discarded the rest of your clothing. You stared straight into Ashton's eyes, seeing the same innocent expression, only now you saw the muted fire that blazed in his hazel eyes as he watched you strip.

Slowly, you climbed on top of him, sitting just a little above his violent bulge.

"So you go sub, too?" Your voice sounded strange in your own ears, it was thick with desire, laced with mischief, tinged with authority.

You watch him as he breathed slowly through his mouth, his chest swelling every now and then. You laid your palms flat on his abdomen, feeling the hard muscles underneath the thin fabric of his black long sleeves. You grinded once on his stomach, purposely avoiding his bulge, "This, turns you on?"

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