Chapter 25: Mic And Guitar

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Ana's POV

When we got upstairs, I went straight for my room.

"Wait here." I said to Charlie. He nods and I go to my closet. I got out my most favourite things in the whole world. My own mic and my guitar. Yes I have my own mic. Jake got it for me for Christmas and my dad got me a guitar for my 11th birthday.

"Charlie? Are you still outside the door?" I ask through the door.

"Yeah. Do you want me to go to my room?" he asks me.

"Yes please. I'll be there in a sec ok?"

"Ok. Don't be to long." he says and walks to his room. As soon as I hear the door close I walk to his room and place my guitar beside the door.

"Charlie? Can you open the door for me?" I say. I place my mic in my back pocket before Charlie opens the door.

He opens the door and looks at me with love in his eyes.

" So what did you wanna do?" he asks leaning against the door frame.

"I wanted to show you something." I say. "Close you eyes." He closes his eye. I grab my guitar. " Open." I say and he opens his eyes.

"Is this yours?" he asks me.

"Yes. My dad got it for me on my 11th birthday. And jake got my this." I say grabbing the mic from my back pocket.

"Wow. So what are we gonna do with all this?" he asks.

"I was thinking, we go down to the studio, and write a song. Or just jam. I don't care." I say.

"Ok, let me grab my guitar." he walks over to get his guitar.

When we walk down to the studio, Charlie grabs two stools for us to sit on. I grab my custom pic and strum a couple of time to see if it was in tune. And it was thank god.

"What so g should me sing?" Charlie asks.

I hate this question so much.

Hey guys!!!!

Just a small chapter for you guys. Im doing nothing today so I thought I would write a chapter for you guys.

And I need a song that is sued on guitar. So put your suggestions in the comments.

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Twitter- @AbbySchonnop
Instagram- @abby_5sos_selfie_512

Also, thank you for 6k reads! Means so much to me!

Love you all!!!!!

Abby xox

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