Chapter 10: Telling The Boys

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The next day

Ana's POV

Wow... yesterday.

So much happened. Charlie and I snogged in the studio ( weird place I know ), Charlie asked me out. ( I said yes of course ), and I have a major problem. How the hell are me and Charlie going to tell the boys. I guess we will have to figure it out some how.

Charlie's POV

Aww... yesterday.

Great things happened yesterday. I snogged Ana, I asked her out, and now... I have a problem. How are me and Ana gonna tell the boys? Well, either wing it, don't tell, or start planing. Lets go with option three shall we.

Jake's POV

Oh... yesterday.

I bet Charlie asked out Ana as soon as I have him permission. Man I'm a good friend and a good cousin.

As I walk down the stairs, Ana is close behind me.

"Good morning Ana." I say to her and give her a big hug.

"Morning Jake. Sleep well?" she asks.

"Very well thank you. How about you?" I ask, heading toward the kitchen.

"Good. Charlie and I watched X-Man before going to bed." she tells me.

"Nice. You guys didn't sleep in the same bed did you?" I say. I'm very protective of my family.

"No, we didn't. Charlie just tucked me in and have me a kiss good night and went to his room." she says as she grabs a bowl from the dishwasher.

"Ok just making sure. You know me and how I get with my family."

"Yes I do know. Would you like some tea?" she asks me, grabbing the kettle.

"Yes please." I say.

Reece's POV

Oh my god! I'm so tired!!

Someone opens my door.

"Reece?" someone says.

"Kavshzjs" I say into my pillow.

"What?" the person says again.

"I said who is it?" I say turning over.

"It's me. Charlie." Charlie says.

"What do you want mate?" I say pulling the covers over my head.

"I want to tell you something. It's important. But you can't tell anyone. Ok?" he says turning on the light.

"Ok. What is it?"

"I'm dating Ana." he says. WHAT?!?

"What?! What does Jake think of this?" I say getting up.

"He told me I could ask her. I asked for his permission." he says.

"That's a good gentleman move there mate." I say.

"What's this I here?" Casey says, running into my room.

"I'm dating Ana." Charlie repeats.

"Nice going there Baby Kick." Casey says with a laugh.

"Thanks mate." Charlie says.

"Can we go down and get food now. I'm hungry!" I say getting out of bed. I only have pj bottoms on.

"Yeah sure. I'm hungry too." Casey says running out of my room. He's wearing his boxers. I think he ran to go get pants on.

As Charlie and I head into the kitchen, we see Ana and Jake sitting at the table.

"Aye up." I say.

"Hey guys." Ana says. "Does he know?"

"Yeah and so does Casey." Charlie said.

"Well that's less people to tell I guess." Ana says.

Ana's POV

Ok... all the boys are at the table having breakfast.

"I think it's time to tell them." I whisper to Charlie.

"Ok. Want me to do it? Or do you want me to do it?" he whispers back.

"How about we do it together." I say.

"Ok" he says.

"Um guys." I say kind of nervous.

"Yeah Ana." Barclay says.

"Charlie and I have something to tell you guys." I say.

"Ok what is it." James says.

"Well yesterday, when we were playing hide and seek I found Ana and we started kissing, and one thing lead to another we started making out and I asked Ana out." Charlie said.

" Oh damn Charlie." Chris says.

"Ok anyways. I asked if Ana would be my girlfriend. but she said she didn't want to brake up the band." Charlie continues.

"Well thanks for being considerate Ana and caring for so much for the band." Tom says.

"Your welcome." I say.

"So I asked Jake if I could date her and he said as long as I don't brake her heart, and he said that he would brake me if I did." Charlie says.

"And I mean it Charlie." Jake says.

"So in the end when Charlie told me that Jake said it was ok, I said yes. So what we are trying to say is..."

"We are dating!" Charlie and I say together.

"Aww!!!!!!" All the boys said.

"Thanks guys. So you're all cool with us dating?" I ask.

"Yes. We are all cool with you two dating." Reece says.

"Well good." Charlie says and kisses me for a LONG time.

"Ahh guys really? just because we are cool with you guys dating doesn't mean you can snog in front of us." James said.

"Oh sorry. We'll get a room them. How about mine?" Charlie said.

"Charlie!" I say and playfully slap him.

We finish breakfast, and go watch tv for a bit. I'm cuddling with Charlie on the love seat ( small couch ). And watching the Titanic.

"This is the most saddest part of the film." Chris said I between tears.

"I know right." I say crying into Charlie's shirt.

It's the part where Rose and Jack are in the water.

"I'll never let go Jack. I'll never let go." Rose says. She said she would never let go and what does she do to him. SHE LETS HIM HO AND HE SINKS TO THE BOTTOM OF THE MOTHER FUCKING OCEAN!! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK!!

" Se let go. Why does she let go!!" I ask.

"I've been wondering the same thing." Chris asks.

I'm starting to doze off. I fall asleep into Charlie's arms. As I fall asleep I go into a dream full of Charlie.

Aye up!!

Lol hey guys.

So it's almost the new year!! like omg so much has happened this year and idek where to start.

So what did you think of this chapter?? I loved it.

So I'm the mean time follow me on...

TWITTER- @AbbySchonnop . I'm trying to get to 200 followers by 2015. And I want to keep it after 2015 too. Also follow me on...

@abby_5sos_selfie_512. Goal- 200

Please help me reach my goals.

Love you guys!!

Will update soon!!


Abby xox

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