Chapter 12: Prank

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"So what did you have in minds."

Ana's POV

"Well?? For...

Casey- I was thinking we could make all his white clothes pink. Yes, that includes the following; t-shirts, boxers, pants, socks, tanks( man tanks ) and his white shoes.

James- I was thinking, because he loves his hair so much, we could put butter or BBQ sauce in his shampoo bottles and take all the shampoo and but it down the drain.

Barclay- I was thinking we could put headphones on him and turn the music on full blast and run for the hills.

Reece- I was thinking that we would say that we smashed his guitar but actually hide it in one of our closets.

Chris- I was thinking tomorrow, when he asks what we are doing, we could say we are going to the mall, but at like 7 in the morning. And we all know that Chris has to be I'm the shower first so you say that you will be having a shower at half 5 and he will say that he wants on first so he will say he will go earlier. It will be priceless.

Tom- I was thinking we could take all his electronics away so he has no contact with his girlfriend. He will loose his mind!

And for Jake... This will have to be the best... But I can't think of anything." and now this is we're I draw a blank.

"How about we pretend that we break up." Charlie says.

"That's brilliant!" I say.

"So now we can get started." I say.

All the boys are asleep still, so we can do Casey's prank, Reece's prank, Tom's prank, Barclay's prank, and James' prank.

We start with James' prank. Charlie went to grab the BBQ sauce from the fridge and I run and grab James' shampoo bottle. When I grab it, I pour all of it into the toilet and flush it. Man I'm evil. I run down stairs and Charlie is ready with the sauce.

"Ok put it in." I told him.

"Ok. This is amazing." he tells me.

"I know. I'm an evil master mind." I say.

When we are finished putting the BBQ sauce into the bottle, I we run up stairs and I put the bottle back into the shower.

Next is Reece. His is so easy. Charlie opened the door as quietly as possible and grabbed his guitar from beside his dresser.

Next we do Tom's prank. Charlie goes and gets a backpack from his room so we can put the electronics in it.

I open the door and I grab his Mac Book pro from his desk and Charlie grabs his iPhone 6 from his night stand. We also grab the landline from all the rooms and but them in the bag. We chose to put all the electronics in my room and the guitar I'm Charlie's room.

Next was Casey's prank. I grab his white Adidas high tops from the front door and Charlie grabs all his white close. We head down to the laundry room and while I was grabbing the shoes I ran to the kitchen and grabbed red food colouring. We through the clothes into the machine and put the dye and the laundry soap. We turn the machine on and go upstairs to Barclays room.

Now we had to do Barclays. His was the easiest so we saved him for last. At least for now.

I run to Casey's room and grab his Beat headphone and my iPhone. I put the beats on Barclays head gently so I wouldn't wake him up. I opened my phone and go to my Asking Alexandria playlist and put on Not The American Average. I put it on full blast and run out of the room.

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