Chapter 13: Pranks Ingage

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Tom's POV

Wow. I had a great sleep. I dreamed or my girlfriend. Shes so pretty. I think I'll text her.

I reach over to my bedside table and feel around for my phone. Nothing. Okay then... I turn on my lamp and look at my desk. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY LAPTOP?!?

James' POV

Eww!! I wake up and my hair is so greasy!!!! I get up and head into my bathroom. I turn the hot water on and undress. I jump in and get my hair wet. Ah shit! I got water in my eye!!

I feel around for my shampoo bottle and squeeze some shampoo into my hand. I wash my hair. What the fuck?? Why does it smell like BBQ sauce? I try and open my eyes but fake so I rinse one of my hands off and wipe my eyes.

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!! SOMEONE SWITCHED MY SHAMPOO WITH BBQ SAUCE!!! Whoever did this is gonna get their ass kicked.

Reece's POV

I don't want to get up!!! But I get up and walk over to my dresser to get some sweat pants bc I was sleeping in my boxers.

I look over to where my guitar should be. IT'S GONE!!! Who the hell would take my guitar? ANA!!

Barclay's POV
(Cue video. also where head phones and turn the music up full blast and you'll know how Barclay feels. )


I feel that I'm wearing head phones. Are these Casey's?? Oh shit...

Casey's POV

I have to get up. But I don't want to. BUT I HAVE TO!

I get up not even turning the lights on and go to my dresser. I pull out a white shirt, my white skinny jeans, and white socks. I also grab my white flare hat and my white Adidas high tops. I walk would and look down at my clothes. WHAT THE FUCK!! THEY'RE PINK!!! EVERYTHING IS PINK!!!!!! I'm gonna kill whoever did this to my new shoes. and where are my Beats??

Charlie's POV

"Oh I hear Jake coming. You ready to fake break up?" I ask Ana.

"I was born ready." she say.

Jake's POV

I wake up and head down stairs.

"You stupid son of a bitch!!" I hear Ana yell. What the fuck?

"What did I do this time?" I hear Charlie say. Ok what the fuck is going on?

"I hate you! I can't believe I said yes to you!" Ana screams at Charlie.

"Well then if you don't like me then I guess we're over!" Charlie yells and storms out to the kitchen.

"Ana? Whats going on!" I ask, hugging her as she cries.

"Charlie and I had a fight." she says into my chest.

"Oh it's ok. I'll handle it. I'll be right back." I say leaving her in the living room.

"Charlie? What the fuck man?" I say pushing him by the shoulders.

"What do you mean?" he asks me.

"Don't be stupid. You made her cry!" I scream in his face. All he does is laugh.

"What the fuck are you laughing?" I ask him.

"Because it a prank you fucktard." I hear Ana behind me. " Got yay." she says going into Charlie's arms and kisses him.

"Jesus Christ you fucking scared the shit of of me for a sec there. Sorry for pushing you Char." I say giving him a bro hug.

"It's ok mate. Oh an we have to tell you something." Charlie says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"We pulled pranks on all the lads." he whispers.

"But we still have to do Chris' prank." Ana says. " Oh and the boys should be coming down right about... now" she says and all the boys are coming down the stairs.

James is in a towel with BBQ sauce in his hair. Barclay is holding his ears. Casey has pink EVERYTHING on. Reeve looks like he's going to murder someone and Tom has his iPhone charger and his MacBook Pro charger in hand.

"What the fuck happened to you guys?" I ask the boys.

"WELL I CAN'T HEAR!!!!!" Barclay yells.

"Someone took my guitar!!" Reece says putting his hands into fists.

"I have BBQ sauce in my hair because I thought it was shampoo." James says pointing to his hair. It smells really bad.

"Someone took all my electronics." Tom says.

"Someone turned all my white clothes and shoes and hats pink." Casey says. I look at his outfit. "And someone took my Beats!" he says.

"DID HE SAY ' SOMEONE TOOK MY BEATS'? BECAUSE IF SO THEY WERE ON MY HEAD!" He yells and hands Casey his beats.

I turn towards Charlie and Ana, who were giggling like maniacs.

"We thought it would be funny. Also, BARCLAY HOW WAS NOT THE AMERICAN AVERAGE?" Ana yells so that Barclay could hear her.

"FUCK YOU ANA!!" he yells.

"So what happened to Chris?" Tom asks.

"That's what we have to talk about. We all have to contribute to this one." Charlie says.

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

Ana's POV

After explaining everything to the boys, we go to the living room.

"I hear Chris." Casey says. He's still in all pink.

"Hey guys! Casey why are all your clothes pink?" he asks.

"Ask them." he says pointing to me and Charlie.

"We pulled pranks on them." Charlie said.

"So I didn't get pranked. Sweet!" he says sitting beside Reece and Jake on the floor.

"So what are we doing tomorrow because I just want to stay home today?" he ask. Perfect.

"Well we were thinking we could go to the mall. It opens at 8 tomorrow." I say.

"Oh ok. So what time should I be up at?" he asks.

"Well I'm going for a shower at half 6 tomorrow so I have time to straighten my hair." I say.

"Well I call a shower at 6." he says.

"I was gonna have a shower at 5:45." Barclay said.

"Well then I'll have a shower at half 5 then." he says and goes to set his alarms.

"This is going to be priceless!" I say and lean into Charlie.

"Hopefully it works."

Hey guys!!!

Yes I know it's been I while, but I has a culminating due on Friday and today I was in Ottawa so I decided to right a chapter.

And can I say how SHOCKED I am to say that my book has over 1.21k reads!!!! Like holy fuck guys!!! That's a lot of reads.

So I still need girlfriends for the following....

and Chris.

Look at the end of the chapter Prank to find the info I need.

So thank you SOOOOO much for reading my book and keep voting on it. And, the girl that wants to be Casey's girlfriend ( sorry I don't know your name ), you will be in a future chapter ok? Ok.

So in the mean time...


And follow me on...

TWITTER- @AbbySchonnop

Love you guys!!!

Abby xox

Ps. if u actually listened to the music when I told u to, comment on how it felt.

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