Chapter 38: Who ' She ' Really Is

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Ana's POV

Who is that girl? Why is she here with him? Is he cheating on me? Those are just some of many questions going on in my head right now.

"You ok Ana?" Emily asks me.

"Yea. I'm fine." I say, but it was a lie. I'm not fine at all. I don't know what he's dong there with her. I just hope it's nothing bad.

"Hey is that Charlie?" Sara asks turning in the direction of Charlie and the girl.

"Yeah. He's with another girl." I say looking down at my pizza.

"Oh hunny. It's ok." Sara says rubbing my back.

"I just hope he's not cheating on me that's all." I say and look at them again. Now Charlies arm is around the bitches waist. What the fuck? I though he was a loyal boyfriend?! Not a cheating prick like in the books. ( wink wink )

"Stop looking at them. It will only make you feel worse. Now eat your pizza them we will go some place else." Vicki said eating her Subway.

I nod and start eating my pizza taking one last look at them. Shes leaning into him lips... and before I saw anything else I turned away. Tears are threatening to fall from my eyes but I just need to be alone to cry my eyes out.

Afyer we finished eating, I got up as fast as I could and walked to Vicki's car and sat in the back close to the window and looked out it, thinking of him.

Charlie's POV

So I went to the mall and I was going to get something for Ana for our 1 month aniversary. When I was going to Peoples jewlary store to get Ana a necklace, I ran into my ex girlfriend Melissa. She has brown curly hair, green eyes, and is kind of curvy.

"Hey Char." Melissa said to me.

"Hi Melissa. How have you been?" I ask her. We are still friends even though we broke up. She broke up with me because she didn't think we were good for each other anymore.

"I've been great. How have you been?" She asks me.

"I've been great I got a..." and she didn't let me finish when I was about to tell her about Ana.

"Well that good. Now do you wanna go get some lunch?" Melissa asked.

"Sure. But I need to get an anaver..." and I was cut off again.

"Great lets go." She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the food court.

When we get there we descided to get chinese food.

"Also Melissa I hope you know that I have a..." she needs to stop interupting me.

"So I was wondering." Melissa said, putting my arm around her waist. I don't want to be rude so I left my hands where they were.

"Would you wanna go back out again?" Melissa asks me, moving more towards my face.

"Um... I have been trying to tell you that..." and I was cut off because her lips were on mine. I pushed her away and she looked so embarassd, it was helerious.

"I have a girlfriends you bitch." I say walking back to peoples to pick out a necklace for Ana. I found one that had a star on it with dimonde on one of the corners because she's my little star.

After I bought the necklace, I went home and I found a crying Ana and a bunch of scary, mad people around her... Oh shit... she was at the mall today... and she saw me with Melissa, I bet. This is all my fault... How am I going to make it up to her?

Hey guys!!

So Charlie wasn't cheating, he was just with his crazy ex girlfriend. No biggy :) .

So I hope you guys liked this chapter. Also, I uploaded a chapter on my other book and you guys should go cheak it out!!

In the mean time, follow me on...

Twitter- @AbbySchonnop
Instagram- @abby_5sos_selfie_512

Love you guys!!

Abby xox

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