Chapter 35: Games and Movies

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Ana's POV

When Reece came back with the bottle, we moved the coffee table and sat in a huge circle on the floor. Reece placed the bottle in the middle of the circle.

"So who wants to go first?" Reece asked all of us.

"I will!" Sara says with a huge smile.

Sara's POV

I really wanted to go first and i wanted it to land on reece. I really do like him.

"Ok go ahead and spin." Barclay said.

I give the bottle a giod spin and it landed on... Reece. YASS!!

"Ooohh Reece!!" Ana said and Reece gave her a death glare.

"Ok." Reece says moving from the other side of the circle to me. We both lean in and he kisses me. His lips are so soft!! It makes me melt!! When he pulled away, he winked at me and grined. I don't know what that means but I think its a good reason. God he's so hot!

"Alright my turn!" Dee says grabing the bottle.

Dee's POV

I spin the bottle really good, and it lands on Jakes. I really do like Jake, and I think he likes me back.

"Ok lets do this." Jake said turning in my direction and places his lips on mine. Oh my god he's an amazing kisser!! He licks my bittle lip, asking for enterance, and I gladly let him in. I hear some 'ooohhhs' in the back round so we brake apart.

"We can finish later." Jake whispers in my ear. I nod and sit back down.

"Ok ok my turn." Casey says.

Casey's POV

I hope this lands on Emily. I still have to figure out a place to take her out on a date. I spin the bottle and to my unlucky self it doesn't land on Emily. It landed on... Barclay... EWWW!!! Yea he's like ny brother but still... that just gross.

"Do we have to?" Barclay asked.

"Yes. Just a quick one. Don't worry." Ana said.

Oh god. I turn towards Barclay, and we count down.

"Ok... 1...2...3." And we kissed... EW EW EW!!! SO GROSS!! I NEED SOME MOUTH WASH STAT!!!!!

Everybody was laughing, exspecialy Emily. She looked like she was gonna pee her pants laughing.

"Ok ok. Who's next?" I ask.

"I will go." Vicki said.

Vicki's POV

I grab the bottle and it landed on Tom. Oh how I love him. And no, we haven't had sex yet. Yes that means I'm a virgin. And yes I know its bad for someone at the age of 20 to be a virgin. But I just haven't been ready and Tom respects that.

When the bottle landed on Tom we shared a long passionite kiss. I love hin so much.

"I wanna go next!!" Ana yelled and grabed the bottle.

Ana's POV

Finally. My turn. I want the bottle to land on Charlie because he's my boyfriend. Duh...

I spin the bottle and it landed on Charlie! I leaned my head up and Charlie kissed me for a long time.
"We can finish later baby." I say to Charlie as we were stilk playing the game.

Knock knock.

"PIZZA!!!" I scream!!

"I'll go pay for it." Tom said getting up to go pay.

When he came back, we stoped playing spin the bottle and ate pizza. Later we watched ' Ender's Game' till 10.

"Lets watch a Disney movie!" I say.

"Ok which one?" Chris asked.

"Frozen?" I ask.

"YASS!!!" Jake yells!

"Ok. Frozen it is." Barclay said getting up, putting the movie in.

" Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on lets go and play. I never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like you've gone away!" Jake and I sang.

"I mean it crazy." "What?" "We finish each others..." "Snadwiches." "Thats what I was gonna say." "I never met someone. Who thinks so much like me. Jinx. Jinx again!" Me and Charlie sang. We are so cute.

"Let it go! Let it go! I am one with the wind and sky! Let it go. Let it go! Thay perfect girl is gone. Here I stand, in the light of day." We all sang.

"Let the storm rage on!!!" James and I sang the really high note!!

"The cold never bother me anyway." We all said at the end of the song.

After the movie finished, we desided to go to bed, since it was 12am.

"Ok. I wilk sleep with Charlie. Dee with Jake, Vicki with Tom( duh ), Casey and Emily, Chris and Brittany, Reece in his room, Sara an go in my room." I say before Sara interupted me.

"Actually, do you think I can sleep with Reece. I don't likw sleeping alone." Sara says.

"Ok then. Sara with Reece, Barclay and James, you guys care in your rooms unless you wanna be together." I say looking at Barclay and James.

"It would be just like at judes houses." James said looking at Barclay.

"So I take that as a yes then. Well good night guys." I say going to bed.

"Goodnight Chazza." I say snuggling into Charlie.

"Goodnight Anzza." Charlie said putting his head in my neck.

This was a great night.

Hey guys!!!

So what did you guys think?? Yes I know there are a lot of POV's this chapter and its hard to follow but oh well.

I am almost at 19K reads liek omg thats a lot of people who are reading my book. And I love all my readers!!

In the mean time... follow me on-

Twitter- @AbbySchonnop
Instagram- @abby_5sos_selfie_512.

Love you guys!!!

Abby xox

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