The Battle (Part 1)

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Michaels POV...

So today I decided that I would confront Harry about what's going on because...

Number one: I don't fuckin like him.

Number two: Payton's my girl and I ain't gonna let nobody hurt her just like I wouldn't let anyone hurt Ariel or Vee.

Them my girls..

I opened the locker room doors and walked inside. Last time I checked this was the last place I saw him. I walked in further just in time to see him and Tori talking together,and to be honest...

I'm not surprised.😑

Basic bitches...

But anyway, I listened in on their conversation, just to be the nosy man I am.

"So will I be able to see you tonight?" Tori asked harry.

"I don't know, I might have some things to do..." Harry said cautiously.

You damn right.

"When are you just gonna forget about her and be with me? She ain't half the woman I am, and she definitely can't do what I do.." Tori said while rubbing on Harry's chest.

Bitch please! Payton more woman than you'll ever be. You can't get on her level.

"Like I said, I don't know, iight?" Harry said while growing impatient.

"Ugh! Whatever. Il see you later." I soon watched as Tori stormed out of the lockeroom.

I took that as my que and walked in.Harry at the time was packing up getting ready to go.

"Hey,can I speak to you for a min?" I said politely. I wanted to start this off right, like men.

"What do you want?" Harry spoke with venom dripping off his lips with every word he spoke.

"Do we have problem? Because I ain't said anything to you yet, and your already fuckin with me." I said back just as coldly. He stepped forward.

I know-

"Yea I have a problem.I know why your here, your just gonna ask me the same shit everybody else did.No, I'm not fucking nobody else but Payton. So get off my ass." Harry spoke in my face.

Who is this nigga talking to? Has he lost his damn mind? I stepped forward to the point that me and Harry were nose to nose.

I was ready. He got me on a high that I can't get down from, and I can already tell that shit is about to pop off.

"I don't know what's running through your mind right now, but you bout to get fucked u-" and right in the middle of my sentence..

"Get.Out.Of.My.Face." He said while shoving me back a few feet.

I stumbled.

It's over.

Before I know it, I blacked out and all I remember seeing is my fist flying across his face and herring his jaw crack.

The battle has begun.

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