The Battle (Part 2)

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Payton's POV...

When I heard that Michael was beating the shit outta Harry, I told Ariel and dropped everything we were doing to go get to him.

We ran into the lockeroom where everybody was. It was complete chaos.literally. You had like five football players pinning Michael to the lockers so he couldn't get free, and then you had Harry on the other side on the ground bombarded by people trying to make sure he was okay. The benches were everywhere, clothes,shoes,bags anything you could think of, it was there. All over the place. I kinda felt sorry for Harry at the moment, but at the same time I didn't. He deserved everything that was coming his way. He was wrong.

I watched as Ariel ran over to Michael to see if he was okay. as soon as he saw her he instantly calmed down. He gave her a hug and when he finally saw me, he gave me this look, as if to say "imm sorry, I didn't want it to end up like this". I gave him a reassuring smile to let him know everything was cool. I wasn't mad.i was...



Michaels POV..

After I threw that punch, Harry came charging towards me like a raging bull, and I was ready for his punk ass. He slammed me into the locker and I started punching him in the back as hard as I could. I was doing everything in my power to whoop his ass. I grabbed his shirt and slung him to the floor. He tried to get up but I straddled his chest and began to deliver blows to his face with as much power as I could receive in my body. he kept trying to punch back but I made sure he wasn't able to.

All of a sudden, I felt somebody began to pick me up. I wasn't finished, so I elbowed whoever it was in the face, and got back down to business delivering more blows to his face than ever before. It was so bad that all the power I was getting in two fists, I began to get in one because I just started to pound his head in with one fist like I was hammering anail in. I had no intentions on killing this guy, but I'd be damned if it didn't seem like I was trying.

People began to pull me off, and that's when I really realized how bad he looked. To be real... I couldn't recognize him. I knew then I was probably going to jail.

No doubt about it.

........End of Flashback........

"We are looking for Michael Joseph Jackson, where is he?"

I walked over to them, getting ready for what was to come.

"You are under arrest for the assault on Mr. Harry Styles and..." The police officer began. I didn't even listen to the rest because I was already prepared.

Let's just hope, that I can figure the rest out.

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