One Secret Down...A Million More To Go

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✖️✖️✖️For those of you who may not know who Tatiana is or what she looks like,there's a pic at the top for you. The majority of us know who it is though.(It goes with the last chapter)✖️✖️✖️


Ariel's POV .....

I made my way down to the lobby for breakfast...without Michael.

I just can't believe he actually had the nerve to get mad at me for having suspicions about what he did last night..

"Hey Arie! We were waiting on you guys! Where's Mike?" Vee asked.

"I don't know,I guess he's getting ready." I spoke carelessly.Cause it's the truth...

I. Didn't. Give a damn.

Simple as that.

"Well dang... Someone's mean this morning...what's wrong?" As soon as she asked, my glorious boyfriend decided to make his way down the steps to the lobby.

I had to admit.... He looked damn good in that denim/jean button up,black jeans,and blue timberlands.


I still hate him right now and that's not gonna change.


Michael's POV...

I don't know why Ariel is being such an ass right now. I looked to my left and happen to see her standing ther beautiful as usual. I really need to tell her what happened.
I began walking over to the section where she and everyone else was. I grabbed her from behind and planted a sweet kiss on her neck, hoping that would lighten her mood. But apparently not, because as soon as I did,she threw my arms off of her and walked away to the breakfast table.

Damn...she ain't have to do me like  that.

I walked over to the boys.

"Hey guys.." I spoke watching Deisel pick at his fruit bowl.

"Hey." Diesel spoke gloomily

"My man!" Levi cheered.

"Playa playaaaaa!" A drunk Vinny screeched.

Really nigga..this early in the morning?

"Are you really already drunk Vinny?" I said seriously. This is just crazy..

"I may be drunk,but I'm good...h-how about yooooouu? Especially after that good head you got from that beauty last night!?" Vinny screeched loudly. I tried covering his mouth but by that time,Ariel had already heard everything. She looked at me with a mix of anger, yet more so of hurt and sadness.I closed my eyes for a second. Just so I could breathe and keep myself from killing this nigga.

I opened my eyes again to see Ariel no where in sight and to see everyone glaring at me in disbelief. Other than Vinny who's slow ass was still staring at me with happiness waiting for me to answer.

I mean, he was literally staring at me as if I was riding this magical unicorn and had fucking rainbows shooting outta my ass.

Fucking Doodoo head..


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