A Night to Remember

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✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️WARNING: Mature scene ahead,read at your own risk!✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️

Areils POV...

I leaned against the door and held my composure as I watched the steam flow through the bathroom. Mike and I had decided to stay in our room while everyone else went out and enjoyed themselves. I just needed time with my love, just because. Everything had went by so fast, we just needed to relax.

So.....that's what we were doing.

There he was, standing there in all his glory taking a hot shower. I observed him. Watching his every move, debating on whether or not I should join him or stay where I stood. I watched as the suds slowly dragged down his thick body,never forgetting to run over his exposed muscles. He ran his hands down his hair as it stuck to his back,watching as his chest heaved up and down. He turned his head, feeling my eyes lingering on his body,and faced me.He grabbed the shower door, pushing it so that he could make his way out;and just as I thought he was gonna grab a towel, he stopped.

He looked me deep in my eyes,while slowly yet seductivly,throwing his head back and rubbing his hands down the front of his body. I won't lie..

The man was beautiful..

He dropped his head slowly and began walking towards me. Once he was about a foot away, he grabbed me,and molded me into his body. Grabbing me by my jaw, he left his mark, kissing me from my temple all the way down to my collar bone.

"Let me show you how much I love you..." He spoke."Let me show you how sorry I am." He continued while fondling with the hem of my shirt. I nodded my head watching as he lifted his shirt above my head and threw it on the ground. He picked me up,and I wrapped my arms around his neck, as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked us into the room,slowly placing me on the bed.

For a second I had zoned out, wondering if this is something I should do..if I should give this man something so sacred to me. Especially after what he did..but then I knew, the moment I looked down and saw myself naked under his beautiful gaze...I knew it was time. At least I knew I'd be losing my virginity to someone I loved.

"Damn..." I moaned silently while arching my back. I looked down and watched as Michael had began to devour me in a place that I'd never let anyone touch. His tongue was swirling and nibbling in so many different places, I thought I might lose control. I watched as he looked me in my eyes, while slowly beginning to tongue-fuck me. I swear right then and there I lost my mind and I also began to lose control of my body.

"Miiichaell.." I moaned in ecstasy as I reached my peak and came all over Michael's face. He looked up at me,while licking up the little mess I had made.

He came back up to my face and kissed me softly while telling me how much he loved me.
I reached down to feel what I would have to endure and instantly panicked.

"No. I can't do this." I panicked trying to push Michael off of me. He stayed put, while putting a finger to my lips.

"Relax,I'll be gentle.I promise." He whispered while giving me a reassuring kiss. I wanted to believe him, but what he was packing was huge.

He would tear me apart!

At that moment,he placed his forehead on mine, while placing himself between my legs. He looked in my eyes and kissed me, while proceeding to push himself inside me. I whimpered from how painful it was while he gave me more kisses and whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

"Shhh...it'll get better.." He spoke,sitting still while letting me get used to his size. I moaned once the pain had subsided, and he took that as his cue to start moving. The pain soon turned into pleasure and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"MICHAAAEL!" I threw my head back and began to scream as Michael began to thrust harder and deeper into me. He was literally sending me to cloud 9, and his sexy grunts weren't making it better. He grabbed my right leg and threw it over his shoulder while continuing to thrust viscously into me. I cried when he began to continuously hit my spot, and from then on out I knew it was over from there.

"Yeeeees.." I cried as he stopped and began to thrust slow and deep. The pleasure had become so overwhelming to the point to where Michael had began to bite my ankle,and squeeze my waist for relief.

Throughout the hotel room was nothing but humidity. Coming from our body heat,the air,our moans, you name it. It was hot. And all you could hear was the force from our bodies slapping together; hard but in sync.

I watched as the sweat began to drip from his hair, down to his neck, down to his chest; damn he looked so good. I leaned up and began to kiss his neck listening to him moan and grunt, triggering him to go faster. I had already climaxed at least 5 times and right now I was on my sixth. I opened my mouth to moan but nothing had came out. I came to the conclusion that I had lost my voice due to all the yelling and crying I had done. I finally came and I watched as Michael never slowed down, coming to his release soon after.

"Ariel..." He whispered in pleasure as he let out what little he had left in him. He kissed my lips and fell over on the bed,covered in sweat. Neither of us had anything to say, so I just laid on his chest and watched as his eye closed..And soon after mine did too.

"I love you." Michael whispered. I looked up at him.

"I love you too." I mumble while drifting off to sleep.

What a night to remember..

My first sex scene.. 👏Don't judge, I worked hard on that. I didn't want it to be to overboard for some of you who don't really like that type of stuff soo... As usual, I hope you enjoyed!
Love Ashley😘❤️

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