Louis (Part 1)

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Narrators POV....

While on the other end of the spectrum,things were getting a little...


Payton's POV..

Since I was pretty sure everybody was in their rooms with their partners "enjoying" themselves, I decided to go down to the hotel lobby and find something to entertain myself.

I mean...we're in London,there's tons to do.

I was on the elevator when I suddenly heard it ding, ensuring me that it was time to get off. I began walking over to a club like area,when something,or better yet,someone, caught my eye. He looked so familiar, but I just couldn't pin point where I-


That's who it was! Man,it had been forever since I'd seen him!He was a really old friend of Harry's that I had really grown to love over the years. To be honest...I loved him more than I loved Harry. He was just so good looking, and so charming...he knew exactly what to say to me, and when he needed to say it. While in my trance of reminiscing about Louis,I didn't even notice someone approach me from the side.

"God...you just get more beautiful by the day, don't cha?" Louis said in that gorgeous British accent that he does so well.

I began to blush as he began to play with the curls in my hair.

"I always loved your long, beautiful, brown hair. There's just so much I could do with it.." Louis spoke with a smirk while tugging on one of the strands softly.

Ugh! What is this man doing to me!

"T-t-thank y-you.." I stuttered while my cheeks began to turn redder than the usual.

"So what brings you to London,sweetheart?" Louis questioned while looking deep into my eyes.

I just wanted to melt..

"U-umm..I'm hear with some friends o-on v-vacation.." I spoke shyly. The good side of me was secretly debating on whether or not I should tell him about me and Harry,while the bad side didn't give two flying fucks about how Harry felt. I just wanted Louis.

"Well that's good. I'm pretty sure you deserve it. How's everything going with you and Harry?" He asked while still giving a smile.

"Ohh...Harry.." I began secretly wishing he would've never brung him up.

"I must be missing something?" He said in an unsure voice,his curious blue eyes staring at me in wonder yet fascination.

"Yeah,w-we ending things. It just wasn't working out.." I spoke sadly.

Louis frowned, grabbed my hand and led me to the bar,where we sat down and ordered some drinks.

"I'm so sorry that happened. But whatever he did isn't worth not having that beautiful smile on your face. Don't worry about him. Just enjoy yourself." He spoke sincerely. I could tell he meant everything he said simply because of the way he stared into my eyes.

This man...

Is gonna be the death of me.

"Okay." I smiled back.

After that me and Louis began reminiscing on old times of back when me and Harry had first gotten together. I made sure that when we started to get deep into me and Harry's relationship, to drag us into another topic.We decided it had been a long night, so he grabbed my hand and we walked over to the elevator. We made our way in and basically stood in complete silence. It wasn't an awkward silence but an "I want you now" type of silence.

While still deep in my thoughts I began to feel his hand run slowly down my back to my butt. I slowly began to blush as I turned to look at him. I was about to speak when Louis pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard.

This is gonna be a long night.

Michaels POV..

Me and Ariel decided we were just gonna hang in the hotel and watch romantic movies for the rest of the night. Everybody had plans for tonight but for some reason we were the only ones that were jet lagged.

I looked down to see Ariel's head laying on my lap peacefully sleeping. I didn't even notice she'd fell asleep. I slowly slid from under her and walked over and outside onto the balcony. The view that we had from here to the city was absolutely breathtaking. Id only been to London once, and in the mere time that I was here,it wasn't that good. I watched as the Eiffel Tower lights began to turn on,giving off a beautiful glow onto the city beneath it. I was in awe.

I felt two arms wrap around me and decided that the only person it could be was Ariel.

"It's so beautiful..." Ariel began looking out to the tower in wonder.

"It is. It's crazy, cause ever since I was a little boy, I had always wanted to get married to the love of my life here. Right under the Eiffel Tower...at midnight,when the sky was glowing with stars, and all the beautiful lights would shine down on my beautiful wife making her the light of my world..." I began speaking in daze that I couldn't get out of.
That had always been my dream before it was completely erased by Tori. I know y'all are probably getting so tired of me complaining about her, but she really hurt me. She took hurt to a whole-nother level for me. And I just can't get over it.

"Well hopefully, one day, you'll be able to make that beautiful dream come true." She said honestly while softly kissing me on the back of my neck.


Hope you enjoyed! These next chapters are for you Payton!
-----Love Ashley😘❤️

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