Fine By Me

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Ariel's POV

"Hey Ariel! Wait up!" Michael screamed.

Ugh what does this jerk want. What is he going to do this time? Tell me that I can't be within 50feet of his presence? Like Really? I could care less about what he has to say..

"Will you stop!" michael said.

Hell no nigga. You wanna talk run yo ass ova here.

All of a sudden, I felt a tug on my shoulder. I know he did not just-

"Stop.." he said.

I began to walk away again. he's stupid if he thinks I'm gonna listen to him.

"I'M SORRY!!!!" he screamed.

What?! Is he serious? Or is this some kinda joke? As I was debating with myself I didn't even notice him come up to me.

"I'm sorry for the way iI've been treating you. It's so wrong of me to do that. I just acted the way I did because I didn't know what else to do. I'm just so used to having things my way. And I apologize." Michael said.

Wow.Never in a million years did I expect that to come out of his mouth.
This is crazy? Maybe this is some kind of joke?

"How do I know your not playing games with me?" I said.

"I can't make you know how serious i am, but Maybe I can take you out to eat and we can get to know each friends." he said.

I heard that pause at the end but i'll let it slide.

"Sure. Try anything and i'll kill you." I said.

"Fine by me." he said with a smile.

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