Finding Love In The Weirdest Ways

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Michaels POV...

We'd finally found us a table after all that walking around. I really didn't expect this place to be so packed, but it turned out the complete opposite. This date so far is going great! I have this beauty sitting right next to me and life couldn't be better at the moment.

Ive come to really like Payton though. She seems like a really fun girl with a crazy,wild side.. I like that..Harry on the other hand..he's not my favorite person in the world right now. But since me and Payton get along do well, I guess I could like him for her.

"So when did you guys meet?" I asked Payton and Harry.

"Weeeellllll, when we first met it was horrible. We both met at a 5 seconds of summer concert. It was pretty awkward because I could tell he absolutely hated them,and on the contrary I loved them! So we argued back and forth until he was just like "You know what...? Fuck it! You wanna go grab some coffee?" For a second I was like "da fuck?!✋" But then....I don't know, I guess I just felt something click." Payton said while looking down as if she was thinking about something.

"Love at first sight.." I whispered to myself.

"Yea...I guess you could put it that way." She spoke with a smile. She looked at me.

"So how did you two meet?" She asked. Ugh! Why'd she bring that up. I really don't wanna relive that right now.

"'s a really long story. It all began.." And that's when the rant of how me and Ariel met began.

Longest story I'd ever told in my life.

"Wow." Payton said with such surprise.

"Yea..." I mumbled. That was awkward.

" I never would've guessed."she said. "All that matters is now, so don't worry about the past,only the future."

I smiled. We really shouldn't worry about what happened before because all its gonna do is put grief on the both of us... From now on just the positives not the negatives.

We finished our conversation and payed for the bill. We grabbed are plates and head out. We decided it had been a long night and we needed sleep.


" Well you guys,this date turned out great. I really enjoyed it." Ariel spoke.
She's so beautiful.

"Same here." Payton and Harry said with a smile.

"Well, you ready?" I asked Ariel. She looked up at me and nodded. I grabbed her hand and began to lead her to the truck.

"Bye you guys!" I heard Payton yell.

"Bye! Have a good night!" We yelled back.

I helped Ariel get in the truck and closed the door. I ran over to my side and quickly hopped in. I was ready to go home.

That date was too long.

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