Reminiscing/Going Home

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Ariel's POV...

The time that we had in London was undeniably unbelievable. Everywhere we went was a joy,and was 10x better since we got to enjoy it with our friends;our family. Seeing the beauty in everything,everywhere we went,was amazing. Going to France with Michael and seeing the beautiful glow of the Eiffel Tower...brought me a sense of happiness that I just can't describe. And being able to witness it with him, made it so worth the time.

I can't forget the bad times though, either. We learned a lot from each other, and we also sacrificed a lot of are feelings too. When I found out what Michael had done, it tore me apart. Just knowing someonelse was pleasing him in a way that I couldn't, broke my heart. But for myself, I had to let it go. I had to be reasonable about what he did. No, my decision wasn't a wise one, but I love that man too much to give him up to someonelse. I just can't do it. He showed me how much he loved me, the day I came back and saw him in such misery.; when he made back-breaking,leg shakin love to me. That's when I knew..he was mine, and I refuse to let him go.

Other members also had heartbreak too. Payton is such a strong,beautiful woman, and she needs to know that her love will find her. It just takes time. Don't go searching for it, let it come to you. That's how you know it's real...and it's worth it.

Finally our Christmas break was over. It's been a looong time comin as they can say. And now we finally get to go home. Back to sports and college life.

"All passengers buckle your seat belts and prepare for take off.."

I listened as the flight attendant spoke. I looked around at everyone, just to be nosey. Michael finally made his way down the aisle and sat in his seat next to me. He buckled in, and soon after gripped the seats for dear life. I remembered his fear of planes and grabbed his hand once again giving him a soft kiss. He looked over at me, and I could see his eyes noticeably soften.

"You good, bae?" I asked.

"Yeah, thank you.." Michael spoke softly while beginning to blush. He's so cute. Suddenly, the plane began to lift off and Michael automatically squeezed my hand. I squeezed it back lovingly to let him know he's good. He closed his eyes and rested his head back.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek, popped a piece of gum in my mouth, and continued to write.

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