Last Night (Part 1)

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Michael's POV...

➖➖➖➖➖Flashback to Last Night➖➖➖➖➖

We walked into the club and automatically was hit with a particular smell. A mixture of sex, alcohol, and cheap perfume. The type of smell and atmosphere that let you know that if you're gonna get into some trouble. But at the moment, I was so ready for it. We needed a break from all the studying and sports. We needed to get buck wild for just a night.

What happens here stays here.

"Oh man! I'm ready for this! I already see my first match for the night.." Vinny spoke while staring someone down. We looked to where he was staring and saw the most caked up woman we'd ever seen. Big boobs and a fat ass, sitting right on the bar. And unfortunately staring straight at me...

Not Vinny.

She hopped off the counter and made her way over to where we were standing.

"Hey boys.." She said while still staring at me. I looked away.

"I'm Josie,but they call me "Trip". She spoke in the most seductive voice. Vinny was drooling so hard over this girl,and it wasn't even that serious.

"Why do they call "Trip"?" Vinny stupidly asked. She finally tore her gaze away from me to answer his question.

"Because I like to take my men for LONG rides. Would you like a go?" She asked. Vinny nodded his head fast in pure excitement, and in my mind I couldn't be happier that he agreed. He took her hand and as they began to walk away, she looked back at me and mouthed "You're next". I cringed in disgust at her,thinking about the fact that she would actually take me right after Vinny. That's just nasty.

"Hey, imma go to the bar and get a drink. You coming?" Diesel asked. I nodded and we began to make are way over. We sat down at the bar and ordered two beers.

I soon decided that I would just watch the show. That would be the best decision. But as I was watching, this beautiful,caramel woman came and sat down beside me. She had big black curls that fell down her back (similar to mine), brown eyes, and a thin yet curvy frame. She kinda looked like a girl version of me. In my eyes she looked very seductive and I wanted to know more. She turned to looked at me staring directly in my eyes as I did her. I finally mustered up the courage to say something.

"I'm Michael" I introduced myself to her. She smiled

"I'm Tatiana." She said back, still managing to stare back at me.

Sorry for the late update! Hope you enjoyed.
---Love Ashley😘❤️

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