Unnescessary Annoyance

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Michaels POV...

"NEXT!" I screamed out in boredom.

Some how we managed to only find three guys out of 245. And we still have 100 more to go. I don't understand why they won't make this easy for me...

If you can't play, get off the damn field.

Stop wasting my time.

Get your life together.

The next guy walked up to me. He didn't even look fit. I sighed.

"Name and number." I spoke in annoyance. Ariel grabbed my hand, I guess signaling me to calm down.

She always knows what to do.

"My names John, and I'm number 246." He said in a peeweee like voice.

He doesn't even sound masculine..😳

"Have you played before, and if so, when." I said

"I've never played."he said nervously.

I looked up from my paper.what I really wanted to say at that moment was "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HEEEEREE!" But I held my composure.

"So what makes you think your going to get in if you have no experience?" I asked questioningly.

He better have the right answer too..

"I just wanted to try something new.." He said.

At least he was honest...

"Go to the courses." I said. I might as well givem a chance.

"That was sweet of you." Areil said all the while giving me kiss on the cheek.

"I think I deserve alittle more than that..." I smirked.

"HA! Yeah right." She said with a hint of sarcasm. Iight then.

Let me get back to work.


I been writing like crazy, you just don't know.😉

----Love Ashley😘❤

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