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We finally pulled up to school and it was BEYOND huge.Bigger than I thought it would be.UCLA is no jokes looked around a little bit.there's a lot of people here...

"Hey V,are you sure this is UCLA?or did we arrive at a national convention ?How many damn people are out here?25,000!goddamn!"i said

"Look Arie,no one is in the mood for your jokes today,iight. And yes this IS UCLA.get used to it."she said.

Damn..who shitted in her corn flakes.. oh wait I did.Im such a great friend..

"Well you ready? I asked

"Damn right! Oh my god... who are they..." she said while looking to her left.i turned to look,and coming our way were two of the most fine men I'd ever seen in my life...

They began to walk our way and before I knew it they were in front of us shaking our hands.Hope they don't feel how clammy my hands are that would be embarrassing..

"Damn.."gosh..i say that a lot..

"Hi.My name is Michael.."he said.

"And I'm Diesel. Nice to meet you two."

Oh... this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought..


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