I Believe In You

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Michaels POV

I reeeeeaaallly don't wanna talk about this..

"Come on,..keep going!" Ariel said to me.i want to I just feel like I'm not ready. As a matter of fact...I'm not..

"You know what Ariel, I think I should wait. I don't want you to judge me just yet.."i said.

"Who said I was going to judge you? Look Michael, everybody has a past and its nothing to be ashamed of. if it makes you feel any better, I have one too." she said.

Now that was surprising. I never would've imagined HER, as in Ariel, having a bad past. She looks like such a sweet and innocent woman.......maybe not innocent..

"You're judging me..." she spoke.

"Sorry. Its just I never would've imagined you having a broken past,....that's just crazy.."I said

Ariel's POV

"You know what, lets just get off the topic of past's alright. Tell me, what is it your studying to become? Whats your major?" he asked.

"I'm majoring in nursing and therapy." I told him. He nodded his head like he was impressed.

"So I'm guessing you like to help people.." He said. I shook my head yes to let him know he was right. " Thats good. We need more people like you. There isn't enough.." Michael said.

That was so sweet....

"Why thank you.." I said as I slowly began to blush. Ugh! His smile though.. he knows what he's doing to me..

"What are you majoring in?" I asked him

"Well at the moment I'm more worried about going into professional football and basketball more than anything..But if that doesn't work out for me ill be majoring in forensic science." he said.

"Oh that's like the FBI crime investigation type stuff. Thats cool..." I said to him. He smiled back,but soon looked down and frowned. I'm guessing he doesn't have that much faith in himself. " I think you can do it.."

He slowly looked up from the table...and finally I spoke to him and said...

"I believe in you."


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