A Broken Heart & An Unwanted Journey

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✖️✖️✖️Michael and his mom...cuuute.✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️

Ariel's POV...


The first thing that popped into my mind when I first heard what had parted from Vinnys lips. And that's just what I did. I ran. It was the only sane thing to do that popped into my head at the moment. To just run as far as I could away from the situation..away from the problem..away from my fear..

Away from Michael.

For the first time ever..in a while.. I was running from the man I loved.

How could he do this? Was it even true? Or was Vinny lying? I mean.... Vinny could just be blabbering on about absolute bullshit for all I know. But why would he do that if there wasn't something they were hiding...? And the way that Michael acted towards me when I brought up the situation.... It's an instant connection.

Just like the old saying goes, "The truth will always come out when you're drunk.." And that's just what it did too.

Michael's POV...

I didn't know what to do. For a second I just froze. It was like... The world just decided to come crashing down on me.It was like I couldn't hear anything...I couldn't breathe..my whole world just stopped..

And shattered.

I watched slowly as Ariel took off towards the elevators, and the first thing that came to mind was to go after her. But for some reason..my body wouldn't move. At least not until the realization hit me..

That I probably just lost the love of my life.

And over something so stupid.

A single tear fell, as I finally mustered up the strength to run after her. It was like had become weak all of a sudden.

Ariel's POV...

My mind is in jumbles,my skin is crawling,and my heart is aching.  I've never felt so terrified,so humiliated,so distraught and uncomfortable, but most of all...



That's how I felt the most knowing that some woman...god knows who...was pleasing the man I loved in a way that only I should. That some hoe was on her knees for MY man. To know that he probably found pleasure in this, and didn't give a damn about my feelings.

He was in the moment.

He was IN the moment.

The more I think about it, the more enraged I become.

I finally bring myself back to reality, hearing my name being yelled as I sprint up the stairs to the closest elevator. Deep down in my gut I know it's Michael who's calling me,but I refuse to stop. I refuse to let him explain, and I refuse to hear it. I don't want to know what happened last night, but at the same time I do.

I finally begin to get closer to the elevator, knowing Michael was only maybe a few inches behind me. I knew I couldn't outrun him, but I'd be damned if I didn't try. As soon as I got to the elevator, I began to frantically press the up button,hoping the doors would open before Michael could catch me.

But to my luck,that didn't happen. He reached out and grabbed my arm, but as soon as he did I snatched it back quickly.. Not wanting to be touched by him after knowing what I now know. He frowned.

"Please just lis-" Michael began but was soon interrupted.

"Stop." I spoke softly. He looked at me with sadness written all over his face, but I refused to let that affect me.

"But-" Michael started,but once again didn't finish.

Because right when he began, the elevator doors opened, and I slowly stepped in. He tried to make his way in but I raised my hand, letting him know I wanted him to go no further.

He respected my wishes.

And as he did, I watched him as the doors closed...knowing this would probably be the last time I see him before I packed my bags....

And took my journey back to LA.

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