Looks Can Be Decieving..

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Michaels POV

We learned al to about each other in that small period of time. Stuff we barely knew..its so crazy how things work. But in the end, she's just making me fall more and more in love with her the more we speak. Even the way she looks just makes me feel all types of ways...The way her long,brown hair falls down to her hips. Or maybe it's the way her voice is just a tad bit deeper and more seductive than any other woman's ...I don't know..i guess its just....everything..

Ariel's POV

Wow.Thats all I could really say at the moment. He is a whole lot different than the way he portrays himself. I understand him completely..and my god he is so beautiful.The way his long black hair falls halfway down his back, or maybe it his seductive big, brown, doe eyes that lore me in every time he speaks.Maybe its the fact that he's different a whole lot different from what I first thought of him. I guess looks really can be deceiving...

We finally made it back to his truck after having a whole conversation on the way back.

"I really had a good time with you. I feel really comfortable when I'm around you. something I don't usually feel when I'm with most women." he said. he looked down and then back up at me with all his pearly whites showing.. "I guess that just confirms that your different." he said with a chuckle.ugh!!!!

" I guess so.... and I also had a very good time with you. I learned a lot." I said with a small smile.

"Well with that being said, let me go ahead and take you home."he spoke with all sincerity.

"Alrighty then." he opened the door for me like a true gentlemen, and off we went.

I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. Or maybe, looks can be deceiving?


A/N: Alittle something to get you thinking about what's next...


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