The Double Date (Part 1)

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Ariel's POV...

So yesterday was pretty interesting... You remember that girl named Payton that I met at Krispy Kreme? Yeah... Well she has a boyfriend named Harry and we decided were going to have a double date!

So here me and Payton are sitting at Starbucks talking about the date.

"So who's Haaarrry...?" I said with a hint if sarcasm.

"Girl you already know. Thats bae right there..." Payton said.

"What's he like? When he speaks he kind of sounds....British?" I ask.

"Yea he's British that's why he sounds different. But other than that he's an amazing guy..and he can sing his heart out." Payton spoke.

*Nothing like Michael jackson doe...*

"So how's Michael?" She said while giving me googly eyes.

"He's great! He's way better than I ever expected him to be." I said. And in all honesty...he was better.Better yet, he's been amazing.I just hope nothing changes...

"We'll Thats good. This date should go smoothly then."Payton said.

I looked at my watch.

"Oh! Girl i gotta go catch Michael! Ill see you tomorrow night,okay?" I said while packing my belongings in a rush.

"Yea,ill see you later. Go get him girl!" Payton screamed. I chuckled and made my way back to the school.


I walk down the hallway to the gym,and on my way there i see Michael.

"Mike!" I yell to get his attention.He turns around.

God he looks good...

"Wassup girl! Watcha need?"Michael says with a big smile.

"Um I need to ask you a question..." I spoke silently. I was so nervous!

"Shoot."he said.

"I was wondering if maybeee you would wanna go on a double date with me and a friend. Oh! And her boyfriend too..." I mumbled.He looked at me with surprise. Oh shit...

"I'd love to." Michael said with excitement.


"Come again." I spoke in shock.

"Ill go. Just tell me when!" He said

"Great! How about tomorrow? 7:00?" I said. I was so ready for this.

"7:00 it is." He said while winking at me walking away.
-Love Ashley❤😘

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