Tonight @ 8:00

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Ariel's POV...

We slowly began to walk back to the school. We were silent. Taking our precious time to think about everything that's been going on these past few hours.

"Talk to me.I know something's on your mind, I can tell." Michael spoke softly. I looked at him.

I could tell he was being sincere just by the way he stared down at me. I could see all of his emotions through his eyes. Its like they were talking to me.

"I'm just thinking about everything that's happened so far. I just wish we could've started off on a better note.." I said.

Which was true. I wish we could've. Maybe things would be A little different between us..

"Same. I hate the way I treat you. I wish I could take it back.." He stated sadly.

"How about this! Let me take you out on a date..Let me show you the REAL man I am. Let me prove to you, how great I can be." He asked with a smile.

He was really serious...

"Ok....But this your last chance! After this, I'm done. I won't allow you to keep messin with my emotions like this." I said with nothing but seriousness in my tone.

I wasn't playing either...

"Yes!! And I totally understand!" he stated with excitement. We finally arrived back to the school...

" So..umm...can I maybe have your address.. ya I can know where to pick you up? I kinda forgot where you stay..." He asked shyly.

Soooo cute...

"Definitely." I said and took out a sheet of paper from my bag. I wrote down my address and gave it to him.

"Thank you.." he said. "I'll see you tonight? At 8 o'clock?"

"Tonight at 8." I repeated.

Tonight....can't wait..



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