Getting Ready/Arrival

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Ariel's POV...

I sat in silence staring at the beige wall in front of me. Im lost.Im Confused.I need help.BAD. Where is Vee when you need he-

"GET UP!!THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Vee yelled snapping me out of my trance.

Oh.....There she is.

"Oh, I was jus-" I began to explain but was soon cut off.

Dang Vee, get that stick outta your ass..

"No come on ill help you.." she said while handing me a bag on a hanger. You know.. like those bags you get from the cleaners that they put your suits and stuff in....? Yea, that.

I slowly walked into the bathroom and sat on the tub. I opened the bag to find the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen. it was a long candy apple red dress, that had a slit down the side that started at mid thigh. And it was had thin straps with a "v" neckline. Not too skanky,but not too fancy either. It was just right.

I am so ready for this...

Michaels POV...

I had just got done putting on my tux. I really liked it. It was simply all black, with a red button up under it. Oh yea! And a slim black tie. I was looking sharp I must all that's left is this mess I call hair..

"Come on over mike, ill do it." Janet said to me. Thank God for having sisters who were good at hair!

"So what do you want? Your hair is REALLY long so I can do practically any thing with it." she said.

"Give me something nice. Like...... Do two fish tail braids from both sides that connect in the middle, and leave the rest down straight. Like putting your hair halfway up." I said

"Alrighty then, lets get to it." Janet said. and we slowly began the long process.

~3 Hours Later~

I was coming up the elevator of Ariel's apartment, and I just couldn't find her room. I'm on the right floor... she said 7437-

"AHA! Found it!" I whispered to my self happily.

I took a deep breathe. I began to knock. I waited.And waited.And waited.

Is she here?....did I get it wrong again? I look down at the address. It's right...
I began to hear the door open so I follow my instincts and look up...I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She took my breathe away...

She was absolutely stunning.

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