Just My Luck

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Ariel's POV

"So how about we go and get something to eat?I heard the food is AMAZIIIIING here!" Vee constantly nagged on in my ear.

I wasn't really worried about the food at the time, I just kept reminiscing on how arrogant Michael was! How can someone so sexy have such a horrible attitude. I guess that's just the price you pay.For every good there's a bad...

"Heeeeellooo....earth to Ariel! Stop thinking about that douchebag! Trust me, it'll get you nowhere.Now what do you wanna eat? I'm staaarving!"
Vee implied.

"Shit... aren't you always hungry..." I mumbled.

"Don't think your slick I heard that.." She said.


In the end we settled for some Chinese food. I must say the rumors were true it is delicious. I looked to my left only to witness Vees fat ass scarfing down some fried chicken like it was going to magically disappear from her plate.

"Slow down please! I'd hate to have to be the one to save you from swallowing a chicken bone.." I said. It did look good though...

"I'll be fine... Oh shit! What are they doing here? Secretly stalking us or something?!"

At first I thought she was talking to herself but then as I slowly looked to where she pointed, I was slowly met with my worst nightmare........

It was Tori and Michael with their ratchet clan walking straight towards us...

Just my luck.

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