The Beginning of Hidden Secrets

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Ariel's POV....

I'd been up since about 3 o'clock this morning just sitting. Wondering what Michael and the boys could've done at that strip club last night.

I know what you're thinking. The obvious
things: like drinking, touching on the strippers,lap dances, body shots, basically everything under sun and I know that. I'm not worried about all of that, I'm worried about if anything went DOWN or not. That's what I'm worried about.I've just been thinking about it and it's really getting to me.

Michael isn't just you're average guy. He's devilishly sexy. A chick magnet. All the guys want to be him and all the hoes wanna have him. He likes to party, get buck wild, drink, everything. He loves it. And I know that if I wasn't his girlfriend, he would've done things with one of those strippers.

But even though I am his girl, he still could've done something...

He's sneaky like that.

As I was staring up at the ceiling, lost in my own thoughts,I began to feel the sheets move and automatically came to the assumption that it was just Michael getting out of bed. But I was wrong. He'd turned over and wrapped his arms around me giving me a kiss on the neck in the process. I looked at him and observed him for a second. Just look at his masculine face and those abs, lord thos- I snapped out of my reverie and came back to reality. I moved up a little bit giving him the hint that I wasn't in the mood to be his cuddle buddy at the moment. But that only made him hold me tighter, and before I knew it, he was whispering in my ear:

"What did I do." He said that deep, husky morning voice I loved so much. I put my emotions aside and got right down to it.

"What happened at that strip club yesterday?" I spoke in the strongest most serious voice I could muster up. He tilted his head down at me, (note that at the time he had his eyes closed) and slowly opened his eyes. I could see in his eyes he was not in the mood to discuss this at all.

"Nothing happened." Michael spoke while throwing the covers back and hopping out the bed.

I hate it when he does that.

"Really Michael? Obviously something happened if you can't even tell me what you guys did." I said, furious at the fact that he was seriously trying to avoid this.

"I said nothing happened, what don't you understand?" He said furiously while standing up and looking down at me. I honestly just wanted to slap the shit out of him right then and there.
He began to grab his clothes for the day and walked over to the bathroom to get ready. I sat up on the edge of the bed and contemplated how this day was going to go. With the way that everything just went down I know Michael's gonna be in a bad mood all day, and I sure as hell ain't gonna be jumping for joy either.

I know he's hiding something, and I'm gonna figure it out.

Today is literally a really sad day. I don't even wanna talk about it...😞😫😩💔Hope you enjoyed though...😥
----Love ashley😘❤️

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