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"Michael... Are you gonna answer me?" I heard Ariel speak.

Damn how long was I out of it?

"Umm...what?" I asked. I must've really been into my thoughts...

" I said are you gonna answer my question, what happened to Tori?" She said.

So that's where it ended...I really don't want to explain this to her. It's just part of my past that I'm not trying to bring up. You know what? I'll keep it short and to the point.

"We're not dating anymore. Actually, we were never "dating"." I spoke, careful not to piss her off.
It is true though. We weren't dating. I guess you could say we had an.........


Yea, that sounds about right.

I take care if her sexual desires and she takes care of my everyday manly needs.

Head game is great....if ya know what I mean.😜

"What do you mean?" Ariel asked being her usual curious self.

"What I mean is...we were "Fuck buddies","Friends with benefits" or in our case "enemies with benefits", that type of thing." I said calmly but made sure to emphasis on everything.

"Are you two still...ya know..." she asked while making hand gestures to let me know what she meant.

"No. I cut that short right after I met you." I spoke. And I was being truthfully honest. I ain't gonna lie, trying to get Tori off my dick was the hardest thing in life, but I had to shut that shit down. Ariel is the only woman I want..

And I mean that.

"Oh...okay."she said shyly.

"Now that that's taken care of..." I said while sitting down in front of her and grabbing her hands once more.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I said while looking up at her and slowly biting my lip.

It's a nervous habit.

"Yes I will." Ariel said with joy. I stood up and grabbed her by her waist and kissed her hard. Those words sound like heaven to me.

"But under one condition..." She said with a evil smirk.

Oh,for the love of Go-

"Take me to Krispy Kreme?" She asked.

Only Ariel...

"Yes baby, I'll take you anywhere you wanna go." I smiled and grabbed her hand as we made our way out of the locker room.

I finally got my girl.


Sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoyed!
-------Love Ashley😘❤️

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