Take Off

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Ariel's POV...

Football tryouts had finally ended around lunchtime, so me and Mike decided we'd go get us some Chinese food before the basketball tryouts.

Unfortunately, he had to host those too.

I knew he was tired,he'd been working so hard.

"So you ready for basketball tryouts?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

He looked up at me, eyebrows furrowed, and lips in a straight line. If looks could kill, I'd be dead on the floor right now.

"Why would I be ready to go through an-" he began to speak. But I briefly cut him off.

"I'm being sarcastic.." I spoke while lightly smiling at him.

When I said that, his face began to soften.

That was a plus. Everybody knows that when Michael gets upset, he looks evil as hell.

"Oh... Girl dont play like that!" He giggled why taking a forkful of my lo mien and shoving it in his mouth.

"HEY! Nigga you got food eat yours!" I shrieked in panic. He can't be doing that.

"Sharing is caring.." He said.

Not today it aint.

Chinese food is life.

"Whatever...you lucky I like you." I said while giving him the side eye. If he was anybody else, I would've tore his head up.

------------- 1 Hour Later..------------------

We finally finished our food after all that fighting we had to do with each other to protect it.

Lately, I've been falling more and more for Michael, and its scaring the hell outta me. He's a great guy, but I can't get past the mess we had to go through in the beginning. It's really taking a toll on me... And most definitely on my heart.

"Watcha thinkin bout?" He asked. I looked to my left to be met with the most big,beautiful, and curious brown eyes. Also followed by a cute smirk.

"Nothing, nothing at all." I said quietly while still being stuck in gaze.

His eyes are very hypnotizing...

"I know you're lying, but ill leave it alone." He said while getting out the truck.

He walked over to my side and opened the door. He grabbed my hand, helping me out the truck. He led us into the basketball stadium where tryouts were being held. And to be honest, I really didn't want to be here. It brought back memories that I didn't really want to relive. I'm guessing Michael understood how I felt, because he continued to constantly squeeze my hand and look forward with a look that said "I fucking hate this place".

Here is where our emotions REALLY took flight.



---Love Ashley😘❤

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