Flashback (Part 1) : Vodka, Hennessy, and Jack Daniels.

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Michaels POV...

I didn't even wanna remember the day me and Tori split. It was horrific. She just did me so wrong...I hate her. I despise her. I don't ever wanna see her face again. She's the reason why I can't even be truthful to Ariel like I want to. It's all her fault. She's the reason why I'm so scared.



She did this to me.


It was August 29th, my 21st birthday, and I must say...I'm damn sure excited! I'd been waiting for this day for too long and it was finally here.

Diesel told me he has something planned out for me, but at the moment I have something more important to do. I'm gonna do something that's gonna change our (Me & Tori) lives forever.

At the moment I was at the jewelry store picking up an item that I'd already had made. I know what your thinking. Shouldn't I be the one getting presents instead of Tori? Yea I should, but this is something long overdue.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up the ring." I said with a ton of excitement.

"Last and first name." The woman asked.

"Jackson,Michael." I told her. She looked up at me then back down to her computer.

"Ok I'll be right back. Let me go get your ring." She said while swiftly walking away.

I stood there for a few minutes just thinking about the situation I'm in. Do I really wanna do this? I mean we are pretty young, maybe I should wait...I looked over to my left, and ironically, there was a man on one knee proposing to his girlfriend. I watched in awe as the woman cried and shook her head in a way that let me know she'd said yes. It was really a beautiful sight. Right then and there, I'd made my decision. Soon, that's gonna be me.

All of a sudden, I snapped out of it after hearing someone say my name.

"Oh! Thank you!" I said after the woman handed me my item.

"Your welcome! Good luck!" She said as I walked out the door.

"Thanks!" I needed all the luck I could get right about now,because I was soooo NERVOUS.


I was finally on my way home after I had stopped by the flower shop to get some roses.

A good proposal can never go wrong without some beautiful flowers.

I hopped out the car and grabbed my roses from the back seat as well as removing the ring from the bag and placing it in my pocket. 3 deep breathes...inhale...exhale.

I'm ready.

I slowly walk to the door and saw that it was cracked open already.

I guess she was expecting me.

I walked in and closed the door. It was dark.

"Tori." I spoke into the darkness. No answer. I walked over to a lamp and cut it on. Huh. That's weird. I decided to put the flowers in a vase before I made my way upstairs.

As soon as I stepped foot on the first step, I heard creaking noises.it sounded like a bed. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. Maybe it was just the floor creaking on the stairs. But even when I stopped, the creaking kept going. I decided to continue my venture up the stairs only to be met by more creaking, but this time, also grunts, moans.

What The hell is going on in my house! Better yet my bedroom?!

I stopped in front of my room door where I really began to see that my suspicions were correct. I opened the door only to be met with my worst nightmare....

There, the woman I love, the woman I was going to make my wife, in my bed, having sex with my brother....

Oh and it doesn't stop there! My best friend was there too.

I stood there. Silently. They finally looked up to see me there.

Shocked. The emotion that you could see spread out across their faces.

"Michael, bab-" Tori begged. But I stopped her. did she really think she was about to hit with that "I'm sorry" type shit?! Or "baby it's not what it looks like"!? She crazy...

And they all got me fucked up.

"Get out." I said to them calmly. I was trying to get rid of them because I knew if they stayed, I wouldn't have a home any more. Because I knew I'd tear this house to pieces dragging their asses up, down, and around it.

"Michael...." my brother Jermaine started as he got out of bed and began to put his clothes on. I didn't wanna talk to him! Your supposed to be my brother! The closest person to me out of my whole entire family, how can you do that to some one you love! I don't get it!! I hate him. I hate him with a passion.

"SHUT UP JERMAINE! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" I cried. this was really breaking me. "YOUR MY GOTDAMN BROTHER FOR GODS SAKES!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Broken. Thats how I felt. Describes me perfectly.

Jermaine was crying too, telling me how sorry he was, and that all of this was a mistake, but I didn't give a flying fuck. Because if he cared he wouldn't have done what he did. And then there was Ryan. He knew what time it was, so he just grabbed his clothes and told me he'd try and talk to me later when I calmed down.

There will be no "later" because if we talk later, I guarantee you I'm gonna fuck his face up so bad that nobody will ever be able to identify him ever again in his life.

Test me.

And then there was one. Tori. She sat there crying like she had a reason to.

"Why?" Was all I had to ask her. She didn't even respond. She just looked up at me with the most sorrowful eyes and all that made me wanna do was drag her ass out of this house.

And that's what I did too.

"Get up.." I said calmly. I grabbed her arm and dragged her out my room and down the steps. I didn't care if she was butt naked or crying. At the moment she meant nothing to me.I left everything I gave her upstairs because I paid for that, so therefore it stays..

I'll go pawn it or something...

"Get out. And don't you ever come back to this house. Don't you ever speak to me, don't you ever even look my way. Have a nice life." I shut the door in her face. I opened it back up "Better yet, fuck yo life." I said and shut the door.

For a few minutes I listened to her sobs and cries through the door. Soon they stopped. I assumed she left.


I slid down the door, and soon after my emotions got the best of me. I couldn't hold it in, I was just so hurt. Even expressing my emotions through tears couldn't even make my heart feel a bit lighter. Why would she do that to me? I gave her EVERYTHING I had, and here I was about to give her my life. My world. My heart.

I didn't deserve this. Not now and not never. From then on out, I made a promise to myself that I'd never let another woman hurt me the way she did.

I got up, wiping my face of the tears I should've never shed, and went to the kitchen. I looked in the cabinets and found my best friends...

Vodka, Hennessy, and Jack Daniels.

Hope you enjoyed!

This isn't the end I think I'm gonna go into full depth of how bad his situation was... I believe that it will probably be three chapters about the whole flashback, so that it ties in well with the story. Literally the longest chapter I've ever written.:)

~~~~Love Ashley~~~~

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