Adventure/ You're Burning Up

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"Really?After Nine? Your taking me to a damn strip club!?"

Of all the places they could've taken me, they want to take me to a strip joint. Like really? Come on,we all are in relationships, this is the one place we shouldn't be.

"Come on Mike, it's just like old times." Diesel spoke in excitement. That's really surprising, because usually Diesel would be against this type if stuff.

It is just like old times though. Throughout college, we all were always in and out of relationships, so every Friday we would alway's go out and try different strip clubs just for the hell of it, and to have a little bit of fun. It always eased our nerves from the past break up's we had previously. And it alway's worked.

"Come on Mike, there's no harm. No foul.....unless you slip up.." Vinny said with an evil smirk. I rolled my eyes and smiled hopping out the car, indicating to them that I was ready to go. They all made howling noises and ran towards the club. I smiled and laughed knowing this was going to be one hell of an adventure.


Ariel's POV...

"So I found out where the guys went..." Vee began to tell us with an annoyed look on her face. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know..

"Where did they go?" Stefani asked. Stefani and I had became really good friends lately. I didn't find out about her and Vinny until me and Michael returned back to London.

"They supposedly went to a strip club." Vee said. I was kinda upset. Why wouldn't he tell me about that? Why wouldn't they ALL tell us about that?

"And that's why I took matters into my own hands." Vee began while getting up and walking to the door. I covered my eyes because I had a feeling I knew what was behind that door..

Vee opened the door, and there stood a pizza man. She paid him, took her pizza, and he walked away.


What just happened?

I'm so confused.

I shook my head and sat up. I turned around to look at my phone one good time,and when I turned back around, I was met face to face with a crotch. Not just any man's crotch, a firefighters crotch. I looked up to see him smiling down at me.He pulled me up to my feet and pulled me flush to his body.

"You're burning up, about you let me get you wet.." He said while beginning to strip down to the music that was playing. I froze in place.

What the hell is going on?


Sorry for the wait!hope you enjoyed!
-----Love Ashley😘❤️

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