Welcome To London

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*Warning: this chapter gets a tad bit steamy. NOT TOO MUCH but a little.*😜🔥

Michaels POV..

As soon as we got to the hotel, everybody went up to the front desk and got their keys so they could get into their rooms. We got on the elevator and each person got off on separate floors. Me and Ariel were the last to get off, because I decided that I wanted to place us in the penthouse suite. I just wanted Ariel to have the best.

Wouldn't want to have it any other way.

Ariel looked at me as she and I walked down the hallway. She was so amazed by the beautiful view we had simply from the hallway down to the city. She looked so excited and that was exactly what I wanted her to feel. We made it to our door and I slid the card into the door so we could unlock it and get in. I heard her gasp and I knew I had her right where I wanted her.

I wanted her to be happy.

And that she was . There were roses every where. I had to give it to them, they went all out. Just like I asked. The suite was simply beautiful by itself alone with the black,red,and white furniture everywhere, it was simply breathtaking. And to top it all off, we had these wall length windows from top to bottom that gave off the perfect view of the city.

"Michael.." Ariel spoke for the first time since we arrived at the hotel. She sat down on the floor with a rose in her hand staring out of the window at the city. She looked so beautiful with the glow that came in form the moon. I walked over to her and sat down behind her, while she scooted back and placed herself comfortably between my legs. She leaned her head back on my chest, and I couldn't help but let out a breath that I'd been holding onto since we arrived. Everything's great. Just perfect.

Ariel turned around and began to place soft kisses all over my face. I closed my eyes and just relished in the feeling of her beautiful lips falling against mine. I wasn't playing any games anymore. I was ready. I needed her. And I sure as hell couldn't be without her.

I grabbed her face and intensified the kiss we had began to share. Ariel fell on top of me as I grabbed her waist to keep her steady. The kiss got deeper as I let my tongue slip in and out of her mouth while she soon followed. I began rubbing her all over her body as she reciprocated her actions to me. I was tired of kissing and was sooo ready to take it a step further. I flipped her over and began to slowly unzip the bag of her dress while still keeping my rhythm on her lips. I let my lips wonder down to her neck where I began to leave love bites all around her ear, while simply listening to her moan my name under her breath. I pushed the end of her dress up a little and began to slowly grind on her. My dick was getting hard and I needed some kind of relief. I began grinding a little harder while still placing soft kisses along her collar bone. She was moaning in my ear and digging her nails into my biceps as if to tell me to give her more. So that's what I did. Her nails were digging deeper into my shirt, that they began to tear my sleeve. But hell, I didn't care.I was loving the traction that me and Ariel were creating more than to care about that shirt.

Fuck this shirt.

She pushed up against my chest, all the while taking that as a sign that I needed to stop.

"What's wrong?" I panted. I was so ready that let's just say my pants were poking out A LOT further than usual.

"I um, I-I-I'm not r-ready for that just yet..." She said while covering her face with her hands.

Riiight....she was a virgin. Shoulda known. I stopped what I was doing to her.I moved to fast and I should've consider her feelings about this. I just hope she didn't think that I was trying to take advantage of her, because I wasn't.
The difference between me and her is that... I'm very well experienced in this area; it's like she's a rookie just getting into the swing of things, while I'm a certified veteran. I've been there, done that. Damn.. I shoulda waited a little longer. That was wrong on my part.

"Oh, I apologize Ariel. That was wr-" I began but was soon interrupted.

She put her finger to my lips to hush me.

"No need to apologize, I understand. And it's okay. It's just... can you wait for me? Just a little bit longer? Pleease!?" She asked.

"Most definitely Arie. Don't think you have to rush, it's fine. Really." I said while giving her a reassuring smile. I sat up and grabbed her hand pulling her up off the floor. I pulled her dress down for her, all the while reaching behind her and zipping her dress up for her. I gave her a sweet peck on the shoulder for reassurance. She smiled at me and walked over to the bucket of champagne and popped it open. She poured us two glasses and I walked over to retrieve one from her.

"Welcome to London baby." I told her.

"Welcome to London." She said back while clinking her glass to mine and taking a sip.

Yes..welcome to London.

This chapter took a lot of thought. I really hope you enjoyed!
------Love Ashley😘❤️

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