Stuck on Stupid

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Ariel's POV...


"Girl stop staring at him! You're gonna freak him out!" Vaisha whispered in my ear.

I finally through myself outta the trance I was in and shook his hand,

"Hi I'm Ariel,its nice to meet you." I just for some reason can't stop staring at this man. He was just so breathtaking!With his huge brown orbs staring back at me and those luscious lips twitching their way into a smile...what could possibly go wrong with this guy?

"And my names Viasha,but you can call me Vee."Viasha said.

"Nice to meet you...Vee.."said diesel. shoulda known..

"Well I see we have some newbies..." this blondie with blue eyes said.

She looked so..damn..fake..if that's even possible her boobs looked like they could swallow you and your dog!AT THE SAME DAMN TIME!

"yea I was just getting acquainted with them.i think they should at least know who I am." Michael said.Whats that supposed to mean?

"Well girls..the names Tori and I most DEFINITELY welcome you.Have fun!" Tori snickered as she walked away.


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