Flashback (Part 2) : It Ends Today

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Michaels POV...

Why is this happening to me....

6 words that just kept constantly replaying in my head these past few days. I've been sitting in this house for over a week doing absolutely nothing. No light, no fresh air, no nothing. I haven't eaten since that morning, and the only thing I've been drinking is alcohol.

Good alcohol at least...

I haven't slept in ages, and my back is killing me. literally. I haven't even been up to my bedroom,period. I can't be in there, not after what she did... I just cant. To be honest...

I don't know how I'm surviving right now.

People have come by the house and I just didn't even pay them any mind. The only person I allow to be here is Diesel. if you ain't him, get the fuck off my property.

People been sending gift baskets, cake, flowers, all types of mess. Even down to people sending me cards and letters...

Like shit, I didn't die!

My mother even called me, but I just didn't feel like talking. I already know what she would say, especially since she's a "lover not a fighter" type woman. She'd probably say "Oh Michael,you need to talk to your brother" or "Don't let this woman split you two apart" and "Bloods thicker than water" type stuff. If that was the case, she needs to be given that lecture to jermaine, cause at the moment I'm not comprehending that shit. If bloods thicker than water, why did he sleep with my girl? As a matter of fact, how long have they been sleeping together? For all I know, they could've had a full blown affair and I wouldn't have even known!

I'm tired,depressed,and pissed off beyond belief. Nobody could say or do anything to make me feel better.

As I was thinking, Diesel walked through the door with some Chinese take out, and I must admit...

Shit smelt good.

For the first time in days, I actually used one of my five senses.

Diesel walked over to me.

"I brought you some food." He said while handing me a plate and utensil. I placed them on the glass coffee table in front of me. I reached for my glass of Jack, but before I could grab it, diesel took it and the rest of the alcohol and walked to the kitchen. I got up and followed. As we reached the sink,I finally figured out what he was about to do and tried to grab it from him. I reached for it but he turned his back to mean and began to pour it down the drain.

"NO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I screamed trying to grab what remained. I was almost ready to fight him, but I didn't. In the back of my mind, I knew he was trying to help me and I low key appreciated that. But the stubborn and depressed side of me needed the alcohol like a heroin addict needed their daily shot of heroin. It just settled me. It eased all the pain away and made me feel like I was on cloud nine.

"No! You need to stop this Mike! As a matter of fact, this shit ends today. I can't stand to see you like this, your like my brother,my family!" I looked down at the ground. I felt ashamed. "I can't watch you suffer like this because of someone else's wrong doing, I can't.." He cried. it was very rare, like me, that Diesel ever cried. I knew this was taking a tole on him just as much as it was me.

"Okay.." I whispered. Anyone could tell you right now that if they had to describe what I looked and sounded like right now, they would probably tell you that I was equivalent to a sad,hurt, and pitiful little child.

When I told you I was hurt, I meant that. Whole-heartedly.

"First things first. We're going to go in there and eat. Whether I have to force it down your throat or not." Diesel spoke seriously.

"Gaaaaaeeey..." I mumble-laughed in a joking matter. He laughed.

"You know what I meant. Then your gonna go take a shower,Because unfortunately you smell like hot ass and sweaty balls. Brush your teeth too! Because after you eat this food your breath is gonna smell like a gorilla shit in your mouth then used your teeth to scratch its ass." He said with a sarcastic smirk.

"Shut up,nigga! Your breath already smells that way. Got a little bite to it." I said back. He laughed and flicked me off while walking to the living room.

We went in the living room ant turned on some reruns of rush hour while enjoying our food. Diesel held out his fist and I reciprocated dapping him up to let him know that I appreciate him for being there for me when I really needed someone.

My partner in crime, my nigga Diesel.
Hope you enjoy!

-----Love Ashley----

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