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Areils POV...

We finally made it to our destination and it felt like I had been waiting an eternity. During the whole ride I just couldn't get my mind off of that amazing kiss we was so soft... so magical! Just how gentle he was just made me feel so different. Like I really meant something to him.

I looked over to Michael to see him gazing back at me with the most curious eyes.

"What?" I said with alittle chuckle.

"Nothing....Just admiring your beauty.." Michael spoke while still staring at me with just as much curiosity as before.

I blushed a little. I saw Michael get out of the car and walk over to my side to open the door.

Such a gentlemen.

I got out while slowly grabbing his out stretched hand.

"Shall we?" he said with a big smile.

"We shall." I said with just as much enthusiasm.


As soon as we walked in we were greeted by a waiter by the name of Terry. I guess he already knew who Michael was because he soon said..

"And I'm guessing you are the reservation for jackson, huh?" Terry asked Michael. Michael chuckled.

"Ya damn straight." he said and Terry began to along with him.

We began to follow terry, and as we did I noticed we were getting farther and farther back. Where are w-

"And here we are!" Terry announced.

I turned to look and in the middle of the floor,there was a beautiful white table surrounded by tons of roses. To the right was a beautiful balcony overlooking the breathtaking view of the night sky, and to the left was a beautiful band quietly playing a musical piece, by which I noticed was Beethoven.

".....I-I..." I was speechless once again. How can one man make me feel so much?

Michael took my hand and lead me to the table. He pulled out my chair and I slowly sat down, still in shock from what was bestowed in front of me.

Michaels POV...

I sat down on the other side of the table facing Ariel. she looked so amazed looking at everything that surrounded her. Thats what I wanted from her. I wanted her to feel like a queen.

"Do you like it?" I asked. I already knew the answer.

"Michael.... You know I love it. Its beautiful." she said to me. the look in her eyes told me so much.

"So what would you like to order baby?" I spoke. She blushed.

"What are you getting?" she asked.

"Steak and potatoes. Would you like a salad or...?" I asked.

She looked at me with a look of confusion and anger.

Ariel's POV...

"What makes you think I want a salad?" I said with attitude.

I know, I know. Why are you getting angry? Because I am obviously not a size 2 so I'm taking a little offense to that right now. I look at Michael. He looks so confused.

"I was just asking. Most of the women I take out like to eat salads most of the time. To be honest, I want woman that can eat. Big Macs and all..." he said. eyes wide open.

That's surprising.

"Oh. I am definitely one of those girls. I like salads, don't get me wrong, but I prefer Big Macs,chicken nuggets,and French fries more." I said with a smile while telling the waitress what I wanted.

"Good." Michael said.



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